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Last Posted January 28, 2025 at 3:05 PM
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#35 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
ArchaeologyOn the other hand, if you compare groups like Cheeto’s or vexfresh where, sure, they’re way more toxic and racist and still chronically online but they’re way better role models since they perform better in society.

This has got to be ragebait

posted 1 day ago
#5 really cool video about tf2 reinforcement learning in TF2 General Discussion
RahmedI wonder if one day we get TF2 AI to simulate 6s and fight out a few dozen strategies and tactics; to objectively show which is the best counter for which

might be interesting, but if you get to the level where they are much better than humans it's probably not going to be useful for normal play. Ex: Computers can get 100% acc meatshots which is an unrealistic assumption for human players.

posted 2 months ago
#1 american election in Off Topic

The Republican party has free reign to pass almost anything now. Can someone more informed speculate more on the connection between Trump and Project 2025? I was under the impression that he has distanced himself from the group because 501c3 non-profits can't endorse candidates, but there is a lot of inbreeding going on between them. Ultimately I am trying to figure out if Project 2025 is a better indicator of future policy goals or not.

posted 2 months ago
#3 TF2 6s Skill Model in TF2 General Discussion

Would be interesting to see some subsets such as looking within each region (so not all froyotech lol), or looking at different eras to see when scout got a slight edge. I also have a feeling that openskill/elo might not be ideal for analyzing these types of games. At a high level this is because they don't really have a method of capuring the "team" element of people playing together and building chemistry (there's an argument that maybe it does this implicitly). They are more suited for pugs and similar.

Thank you for doing this though. If anyone is interested in this topic there are some previous threads and attempts here: (you need to use for the links)

posted 3 months ago
#52 Yight has left froyo in TF2 General Discussion
its a team game and with that comes a lot of frustration. your play only works if its cordinated with your teammates, so theres a lot of reliance on your performance which means obviously there will be some aggression. ...

The conclusion does not follow from the premise, if "aggression" is what I think it is.

posted 3 months ago
#236 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

To Dolphin:

If your current directions in Elo are failing, here is a free open source library you can try to use-

You can read about the results on a sample overwatch dataset here:

This is essentially one of several ports of this paper:
It's in python but there are other implementations in other languages.

posted 4 months ago
#212 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
MozzarellaFireFoxre: last 2 weeks of elo discussion: people underestimate how large of a playerpool you need for elo to actually make sense. 27 people added up for 12 player games is just not enough - elo is an illusion at that scale. in my naive opinion. An RL algorithm might be able to, over time, begin picking teams that edge closer to ties (you'd need a bajillion matches to train it though), but a simple elo/glicko algorithm is ineffective at this scale.

The Elo/glicko system is a rating system, which is different from the matchmaking system (that may use Elo). I'm also pretty sure the number of played games per player is a better indicator than how many people add up. There are other challenges with small number of people adding up but not having to do with Elo.

posted 5 months ago
#47 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

In an ideal world RGL invests into making prec-64bit because it is good for the community and for their league.

posted 6 months ago
#219 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

So happy for bobrovsky. let's go cats!

posted 7 months ago
#17 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
titanfall 2 suffered from a similar issue where the servers kept getting ddos by a bunch of morons to the point where you couldnt find a game through the official client and it got completely fixed and its fully playable nowadays and the game makes a fraction of what tf2 makes
this is pure valve negligence and the fact they need every bit of negative publicity to come their way to even do something regarding this its baffling to me
but its pretty safe to say they clearly dont give a fuck

Maybe you missed my point. Here is a list of things valve has done for tf2:

If you look closely, there was a DDOS incident they fixed, which is more comparable to the issue you described. This issue is completely different from the problem of aimbots/cheating which the whole industry has not solved yet. Valve is a pioneer in the gaming industry and so maybe it's reasonable to ask more of them, but to say they haven't tried is wrong and putting your head in the sand.

posted 7 months ago
#12 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
mousiopebut valve letting racism remarks slide in their games it would bring a far more negative publicity and force them no fix the game since we all know they dont give a fuck about the cheating part

It's well known that Valve makes most of its money from the Steam Store, and is also a private comany. This insulates them from a lot of motivation to do anything the public wants. Comparison example: You can be sexist in any CS lobby, but be banned in any Riot game.

Some other strategies might be needed. I watched Uncle Dane's FixTF2 video, which has an appeal to ego (asking Robin Walker if botopia is the legacy he wants to leave), which I think is a nice approach that might not have been explored yet.

Edit: Additionally, I will say that also in the video, it is said that cheating is an industry wide problem. The task of solving the bot crisis is not trivial at all, and it's not completely true to say that Valve has done nothing to try. I think that the sentiment that Valve "just needs to do X" is pretty optimistic. When we ask for the bot crisis to be solved, we are asking for a lot.

posted 7 months ago
#23 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
springrollsEven research level stuff (let's say getting published in NeurIPS/ICLR/ICML etc.) doesn't need to have a ton of math depending on what you do.

Is this even true lol. For the conferences you mentioned almost all papers are primarily math.

posted 8 months ago
#1 Backroom Interviews - Localhost Philly 2023 Lan in LAN Discussion

Hi all. Since I graduated from college the files in my drive will be nuked soon, so I decided to upload some scuffed interviews I helped make happen at the Localhost Philly Lan in 2023. Feedback is appreciated for whoever wants to do these in the future! (possibly me)

G6 caps
FROYO b4nny
FROYO meyy
GC Shamoo
GC pauldogg
FORD sandblast
FORD ronz

Thanks to Resup for letting me do these interviews.
Also, thanks to marmaloo and zilly for doing these interviews, as well as all the interviewees that volunteered!

P.S. can someone recommend a free filehosting service I can move the unedited Lan photos to? (not imgur im not allowed to publicize them)

posted 8 months ago
#9 Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion
That or they could probably utilize the cams attached to the monitors, and kind of do a csgo cam/pov switcher:

These monitor cams belong to a different production company that's there so that's why previous lans there didn't use it.

posted 9 months ago
#3 RGL: Reiterating AC Policies in TF2 General Discussion

Is this sufficient enough for tftv to start banning witch-hunt threads?

edit: Looks like it was always banned. Just not enforced anymore and looks like no one cares.

posted 9 months ago
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