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SteamID64 76561198095717933
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Country Netherlands
Signed Up April 19, 2014
Last Posted October 13, 2018 at 1:05 PM
Posts 31 (0 per day)
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1 2
#13 A triggerhappy community member in The Dumpster
wtzakachu why r u so addicted to bluebunny? youve been on about her since last year just leave it already

really not the case, but she did get me banned for 2 months or something.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 A triggerhappy community member in The Dumpster
wtzsay the name


posted about 6 years ago
#6 A triggerhappy community member in The Dumpster
VisIdk don't act like 8 year olds and do maintain normal conversations clear of insults. Really not even hard, excusing this kind of language is just dumb

bans =/= being mature? the comments were generally about this persons skill level, which him/her did not take very enthusiastically too.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 A triggerhappy community member in The Dumpster

Would highlight that the etf2l post just got deleted, Etf2l staff really has shimmers of soviet russia.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 A triggerhappy community member in The Dumpster
funhaver1998So brave of you to post this Poop Toaster

thank you, with national coming out day i felt empowered to come out as poop, and as a toaster and this newfound confidence really gave me the confidence to do this

posted about 6 years ago
#1 A triggerhappy community member in The Dumpster

(Copypaste from ETF2L forum)

I would like to talk about a person in this community, and certain happenings around this person. I’m not going to mention a name because i feel like it will only help in me getting banned as that’s what seems to be the default response when anyone threads close to this person.

Ill get to the point now.

This individual has a habit of overrating themselves, quotes like ‘im way ahead of every team im in by miles’ spring to my mind, when at the same time there is a group of people that like to remind this person that this is not true in their humble opinion of course, they do this in the place where i believe its supposed to happen; the etf2l recruitment comment section. Yet anytime anything remotely critical is said of this person the comment appears to get removed almost as if we are in 1950’s Russia, there have also been some bans if you want to complete the KGB image.

5+ bans at least just in my direct memory.

Now I’m not going to defend the bad word usage that was here, no doubt. But bad words get used all the time in games, especially in the open and low division where the bulk of the players are, the difference is in how you handle it, are you going to be insulted and feel ridiculed when you also have a life outside of this community? People criticizing you for things you get done at work? You know, adult life? Do you get them removed too?

And i know that has nothing to do with TF2 but even then, what use is there in being that insecure and fed up with people just using words when they might just be true, given that a big enough group is saying the same thing about you, is the fault with the individual, or the crowd?

A scenario from a while back also jumps to my mind. A discussion about Pred and Degu, In my observation a lot of people were discussing the WORDS used and not the actions done against Uberchain, a lot of people seemed to be very riled up at the work GOOK and not the potential emotional abuse and perhaps sexual? It seemed quite odd to me.
Are we going to obsess over swears and ban anyone doing this? because i think that would literally kill this already fading game, or can we be serious about it? Its bad sure, but look at the full picture.

Thank you for reading.

posted about 6 years ago
#25 ETF2L Unfair Bans in The Dumpster

also remember that one time everyone argued about insults meanwhile someone got raped? but we just kinda, got busy?

posted about 6 years ago
#24 ETF2L Unfair Bans in The Dumpster

Atleast more than 5 people have received bans over the sheer fact that Bluebunnys ego MUST NOT BE TOUCHED.

She also has an IP blocker, is the crowd the criminal, or the person ignoring the crowd?

I also have screenshots of Bluebunny saying she is waaay ahead of her open team colleges and claiming to be fucking insane, yet the comments that say otherwise get removed.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 If you could change your past, would you? in Off Topic

never play tf2, instead put 4000 hours into my youtube channel that i had when i was 14, but deleted because i didnt want to get bullied at school

posted about 7 years ago
#15 dont tap the white tiles in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#73 What got you in to competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

I, the noob that i was spawncamping on harvest. I then met: Ivan the best soldier i had ever seen.

i then enrolled in my first shit tier 6s team as medic, rest is history.

i still love you ivan.... pm me

posted about 7 years ago
#1 medic/maincalling help needed in Mentoring

Need a medic mentor and maybe help on maincalling and creating strats.


posted about 7 years ago
#1 Looking for pocket mentor mid+ in Mentoring

Posted before on here but team folded etc,

Id say i know the basics but can't find major flaws in my game anymore


posted about 7 years ago
#1 Etf2l Low/open team looking for a mentor mid+ in Mentoring

We are looking for a dedicated mentor,


our team page.


add me here.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Another Headset thread... in Hardware

my g430 didnt last long just a fyi

posted about 10 years ago
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