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Signed Up December 30, 2023
Last Posted June 10, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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#4 How can i merge huds? in Customization

nah still no solution that dosent exist from anything i found

posted 8 months ago
#3 How can i merge huds? in Customization
hamahamyou have to use this

what no way thats an actual thing

posted 8 months ago
#1 How can i merge huds? in Customization

Trying to combine the scoreboard from boredHUD with everything else from Toonhud (my current HUD), however, when i try to use Hud merger it always gives the error "Could not load file or assembly 'HUDAnimations, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot nind the file specified." Oh, also, maybe class portraits from flamehud and i wanna use crosshairs from Maxicross +, but it won't work for some reason (probably something to do with toonhuds built in crosshair customization idk) anyway, if anyone fix this issue or let me know how to, i'd be very grateful. Cheers.

posted 8 months ago
#3 Trying to make a medkit dissapear in SFM in Videos
enthrowyou're gonna want to make the camera close its eyes after scout eats med pack


posted 11 months ago
#1 Trying to make a medkit dissapear in SFM in Videos

Yes. I tried the SFM subreddit and nobody replied, so i came here becuase here is the only good place for quick answers. anyway: Trying to make an animation where scout touches a medkit, and consumes it (it dissapears). How do i make the medkit dissapear (its part of the map)?

posted 11 months ago
#1 Item Description changes not showing in game in Customization

I have recently edited the tf_english file to include a description for weapons that previously didn't have one and modify some already existing descriptions, however, only modified descriptions show up in-game, whereas if the item had none beforehand, it does not show up. Does anyone know a way to make it show up? I have Toonhud installed asw, but i don't think it should change anything. Any help would be useful. Cheers.

posted about a year ago
#5 Main Menu broken in Q/A Help

yup i deleted custom and its fixed

posted about a year ago
#3 Main Menu broken in Q/A Help
cayornedelete your custom folder (backup if you have anything special in there)

if that doesnt work, i would fully uninstall your game, delete all files and steam cloud and then reinstall and see if that fixes it

move your demos to another folder along with any other file you cant replace obv

thanks i'll give it a try

posted about a year ago
#1 Main Menu broken in Q/A Help

in short, 3 days ago ish i loaded up tf2 as usial and this happened: https://imgur.com/a/ideql5Y
since then, casual crashes on selecting it, and only community servers work. i have verified integrity of files and deleted and reinstalled tf_english, but it will still not work. Does anyone know a fix?

posted about a year ago
#8 Enough is enough. It's 2024 now. in TF2 General Discussion


fr. why should we stop? its fun so theres no reason to stop

posted about a year ago
#4 Final Tf2 comic released! in The Dumpster
BACTERIAwell at least your shitpost predicted it


haha there was a youtube ad so i saw the title before ad skipping

posted about a year ago
#4 joke games based off tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

not games like that i mean games with tf2 characters not just partially inspired

posted about a year ago
#1 joke games based off tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

So, i was doing some research into this tf2 meme game called red shadow maggots ( https://brogrammist.itch.io/red-shadow-maggots ) and i wondered if there were any other meme games based off of tf2 or with tf2 characters. anyone know examples of such games?

posted about a year ago