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Last Posted April 3, 2014 at 9:49 AM
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#91 rip sven in TF2 General Discussion

We all have bro moments Ruwin where we say or do something stupid. You thought you were talking to your bros but you were putting it out to the internet and you had 300 viewers when you decided to make fun of a girl you used to know.

It was a dumb thing to say and do but everyone needs to get over it and stop characterizing people off one situation. Ruwin, in a community and environment that is full of impatience and arrogance you have almost always been a positive influence in TF2. Forum drama blows over so don't let it get to you. I hope you can take a page out of Tyrone's book and shrug it off, we need more friendly and patient people in this game.

Just remember that your audience is 16 year olds. If you throw them a bone they just start barking louder.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 i'm tired of pretzels in TF2 General Discussion

If you are acting like a dickhead you shouldn't be surprised if people treat you like one.

Don't get salty about it.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 im bad at roamer and i need help :) in Mentoring

Needs more crayon.

posted about 10 years ago
#112 cevo/esea in TF2 General Discussion
blinK ESEA has been providing TF2 with a league to play in for 15 seasons, how many of them did you participate in?

None. Do I need two seasons of IM to have an opinion?

I started playing comp TF2 last season in UGC after watching it casually for a few years. Getting comfortable enough with 6v6 to play ESEA open this season was the goal right from the start. That became less and less appealing but my personal tipping point was reading through the New Jersey legal decision and then watching ESEA's total disregard for the community that supports their business.

Luckily for me my teammates felt the same. We were thankful to see another league trying to get its foot in the door. Supporting that effort is important to me because I see it as TF2 growing bigger. I'm just presenting my opinions. I don't pretend to represent all the shitty TF2 players, but if the idea of playing in UGC again and again instead of ESEA was more appealing before community members I respect put their efforts behind CEVO, then that might be an indication as to why Open was in danger before Killing put out an appeal.

I'm just interested in playing TF2 with cool people.

posted about 11 years ago
#97 cevo/esea in TF2 General Discussion

It's so stupid to say "I'll play CEVO when it has proven itself." or "I'll play in 3 seasons after it gets good." Without people playing in new leagues, without a willingness to TRY to have a better league, we are never going to get something better than ESEA.

CEVO doesn't need to be better than ESEA this season. Most of your open players are interested in giving it a chance though because the alternative is paying money to play in a league that didn't give a shit until 3 days ago.

posted about 11 years ago
#72 cevo/esea in TF2 General Discussion

I've posted a few times on why I changed my mind and decided not to give ESEA open a shot but I haven't given my thoughts on what is so appealing about CEVO.

As a long time TF2 player and a fan of the comp community I'm really EXCITED that there is another league making strides in the scene. I think it is so important to show CEVO our support this season and let them know how much we appreciate them making TF2 a bigger part of their organization.

I have no illusions of doing well in CEVO but I am happy to pay a small amount of money to give them incentive to keep supporting our game and to grow it into something awesome. I want to see another successful TF2 league. CEVO isn't going to be perfect the first season or two but I already see them making bigger strides than ESEA has in years.

I hope ESEA can turn things around and keep going strong. I enjoy watching lan finals but to say that TF2 is going to die if we don't have a North American lan for a season or two is ignorant and unimaginative. Even without a lan I feel better paying money to CEVO.

Get hyped! Three leagues running 6v6 TF2!

posted about 11 years ago
#95 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion
kuzawhat killed TF2 was ipkane going nuts and handing out 10 yr bans without answering any questions about the malware client.

This. Kane should have taken lessons from MLG Sundance on how to deal with massive negativity.

If the company you own fucks up and leaves your entire customer base (or potential customers) with a bad taste in its mouth then take some responsibility and treat us with some honesty. ESEA made itself into the bad guys of TF2 instead of working to fix relations with the community.

Very few people in Open, whether ESEA or CEVO, care how big the prize pot is.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 LF half a CEVO team in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for a scout now.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 LF half a CEVO team in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bumping this. Still looking for two people.

If you want to try CEVO with some low key, semi-experienced, only-half-awful players give us a shout. We want to give CEVO some support this season and we need two more of you to make it happen.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 For All Canadian Hockey Fans in Off Topic

Its starting! The US kicked some butt on the first day of hockey, lets hope Canada comes out with the same kind of energy.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 LF half a CEVO team in Recruitment (looking for team)


Just a few days left to register for CEVO, hit me up if you are interested in playing.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 LF half a CEVO team in Recruitment (looking for team)

3 of us are looking for a team to join or failing that we need some extra players to fill out a team for open. Plinko, Treemoss, and myself are the half team.

We're playing this season as Medic, Pocket, and Demo in UGC Steel. If you need 3 people we've got experience on roamer and scout as well. Otherwise we will be looking to pick up 3 solid players to fill out our own roster.

We are able to play from 9:30 EST / 6:30 PST onward most nights except Sundays.

Mature attitudes and a willingness to learn solid teamwork are important to the 3 of us. We hope to play with people who feel the same way. If you are interested you can get in touch with myself or Plinko.




posted about 11 years ago
#9 EVE Online? Thoughts? in Other Games

There is so much depth and so much going on in EVE that the learning curve is huge. It's amazing though. If you are going to get into it I suggest convincing a friend to join you. Half the fun in that game is flying around looking for people to shoot or trying to get somewhere and desperately hoping you don't run in to a pack of jerks trying to do the same to you. It helps to have someone around so you can wingman for each other and joining a corporation is a really good idea.

The combat is intense in small engagements, it's incredibly exhilarating in fleet fights, and it's boring as hell in blobs. Losing a fight means your ship is gone and people are desperately trying to lock on to your pilot pod. If you can't get away I hope your clone is up to date. It took me a month of playing to get the skills and resources required to build my first battleship. Losing it was traumatic.

You can mine asteroids for resources but npc missions are decent fun or you can roam through asteroid belts looking for npc pirates to fight. The most amazing thing though is the crafting and market system. I built a space station in a system where there was nothing but asteroid belts and it's still there, a place for people to dock for a while or call home.

EVE is a huge time investment though. Skill progression is based on real time so flying bigger and badder ships takes progressively longer to get to. If you are looking to make money there are thousands of ways to earn Isk ($$) in game but the big bucks are going to involve farming whatever you find works well or getting involved in 0.0 sectors, the wild west of EVE. Most of the 0.0 regions are controlled by large, well organized, militaristic alliances. It is a pretty daunting game to get into but like I said, if you fly around with a friend and try out a few of the things you can do in EVE you will definitely have fun. It is a cutthroat game though and it's not for everyone.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

In TFC full time snipers played in comp leagues where every other class was banned. SLV3 anyone? Lets give these guys a place to play without ruining everyone else's fun. Bloodsire can rule the world again and we won't tell Foos.

posted about 11 years ago
#105 Open (lower bracket) finals in TF2 General Discussion
potI think AG picking up half of Watch This was just a tad bit more fucked up than Seanbud playing scout.

gg to both teams in the LB final. That was a really exciting match to watch. Good luck next season, I hope both teams continue to show us awesome TF2 matches.

posted about 11 years ago
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