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Signed Up April 18, 2018
Last Posted December 20, 2024 at 1:16 AM
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#8 holiday vibe check in Off Topic
BrockI’m going to destroy all the holiday cheer, all the Xmas bullshit w/ nights of lights in Saint Augustine, FL. Essentially it rains here instead of snowing, so I’m going to film all the tourists and traffic that’s slammed in the rain, stuck behind horses, and people crossing the street. And while I’m filming all of this I’m going to be blasting Future of the Left’s, “You Need Satan More Then He Needs You” at them, with kids crying, and screaming, etc. And then I’m gunna edit it all up and sell it to Falco as a official music video.


posted 2 months ago
#1800 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

(-maor_alfasi-)_#SAVETF2 : t!uasnt
(-maor_alfasi-)_#SAVETF2 : t!uant
(-maor_alfasi-)_#SAVETF2 : !taunmt
(-maor_alfasi-)_#SAVETF2 : taun
(-maor_alfasi-)_#SAVETF2 : !tunt
(-maor_alfasi-)_#SAVETF2 : T!uant

posted about 2 years ago
#41 The Fridge Enigma in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#4 Pride Month 2022 in Off Topic


posted about 2 years ago
#20 Happy Pride! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#1 Sniper quicker rescope after shooting bug in TF2 General Discussion


I found some pretty dumb stuff as the funny Sniper class, sorry if this is already well known but I just wanted to share:

If you don’t want to watch my shitty video or are confused by my terrible explanations I’ll explain everything here also.

In order to do this trick you need to enable the “Sniper will automatically re-zoom after a scoped shot” option. This, as the name implies, will make you re-zoom your rifle after each scoped shot automatically. This re-zoom is interrupted by jumping. If you shoot and then jump you will not automatically zoom in when you land. You can, however, manually zoom in by pressing M2 the moment you land. By doing this for god know’s what reason you actually scope faster than if you let the game automatically zoom you in or by manually scoping without this trick.

The way I believe this works is by allowing you to instantly scope in the moment you hit the ground. You cannot instantly shoot, however, as there is always a 1.4 second cooldown between shots. The application of this is since you scope earlier, you can begin charging your shot earlier as well. This makes it so that the moment you can shoot again, it will be a headshot. There is normally a small delay right after scoping before you can headshot but this trick essentially removes it since you are scoped in long enough to nullify the delay. This is pretty useful for quickly killing 150 hp+ classes as you waste no time waiting for the headshot delay at all.

Because of how this works in how you need to hit the ground to rescope there's some more application. Since ctap jumping makes your jump shorter, you can hit the ground quicker and rescope quicker because of this. I’ve found that doing normal jumps can be inconsistent for getting 1.4 seconds between shots, so ctaping can make it easier.

There's also some really gimmicky shit you can do to rescope even faster. One way is to shoot while scoped and then jump onto an elevated area. Since you can rescope the moment your feet touch a surface, you can rescope even faster by doing this. Some easy ways to do this are by jumping backwards to a slope or by glidestepping. You can glidestep only on certain surfaces by tapping crouch right when you get at the right height to instantly stand on the surface.

There might be a method to where you rescope so quickly that your next shot will do more than 150 damage but I haven’t found that yet nor do I think it’s actually even possible.

posted about 4 years ago