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Signed Up August 1, 2012
Last Posted February 17, 2013 at 8:52 PM
Posts 98 (0 per day)
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#16 Keyboard Again:/ in TF2 General Discussion

My definition of perfect gaming keyboard atm: mx red + tenkeyless + backlit

posted about 12 years ago
#15 entry-level mechanical keyboard w/mx blues in Hardware

NKRO isn't really necessary, but limited to 3 keys at same time is lame for a mech keyboard.

posted about 12 years ago
#89 MGE / SOAP Ettiquette in TF2 General Discussion

Both are valid training methods, DM is more like real matches, but neither of these are complete. MGEing scout vs scout or solly vs solly for a long time will give you bad habits, if you don't have a sharp self-judgement you'll acquire them and stagnate in skill level.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 cookye pov with comms in TF2 General Discussion

Darn is like a finnish drunken hobo version of GlaDOS

posted about 12 years ago
#16 TF2 minimizes but does not close; cant play after in Q/A Help

- Switch between dx 80 and 81, do not use 90 depending on your VGA model

1)Go to NVidia Control Panel
2)Select Manage 3D settings
3)Turn Threaded Optimisation to 'off'

Got it from here:
I assume it's exactly your issue.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Most overused songs ever in Off Topic

Requiem for a dream
Remember the name

posted about 12 years ago
#6 MGE / SOAP Ettiquette in TF2 General Discussion

Nothing against stickies in SOAP, but I can't understand those who'd trap lunch boxes in DM.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 they made another in TF2 General Discussion
RiddleShouldn't they just do like a "Top 10 of the last 6 months" or something? Otherwise I don't see how they're going to catch up unless they get more people working on it.

That being said, great watch as usual!

That would be the same amount of demos to watch.. Tbh I think they do an amazing job going thru all the demos of the month and choosing the better plays. However, I agree they need additional staff to review the demos, whose amount should be increasing with time.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 help with team name :( in TF2 General Discussion

My friend is brown
u got brown'd
I'm brown dabadeedabadaa

posted about 12 years ago
#7 soldier jump scripts in TF2 General Discussion

Start doing jump maps (assuming you don't do).. a whole month on a jump server would severely improve your jumping abilities.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Why are the servers not being used? in TF2 General Discussion

Main problem with DM servers: the vast majority won't join if the server is empty. Takes 6+ players IMO to make a DM enjoyable, before that many won't bother joining.
MGE isn't the case since you play 1vs1, but also suffers a little from that. You notice that Reddit's usually a lot more populated than MGEiT, because new players (noobs) join empty servers and wait until it gets more populated.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 MGE all class server? NA pls in Q/A Help
shlanerThe day I see heavy v heavy mge

Already saw that on reddit's... twice
lost faith in humanity since then

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Comfy Headphones? in Hardware

AD700s are comfy, but they lack bass. Pick these up if you stay gaming most of time, they're not very good for multimedia IMO.

posted about 12 years ago
#74 invite rumors round 2 in TF2 General Discussion

Obama has been reelected, powah won't find trouble getting his visa

posted about 12 years ago
#8 ESEA kills off CS 1.6 & Source in Off Topic

#5 they are doing that do force 1.6 and source players to migrate to GO, that's pretty much everything.

posted about 12 years ago
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