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Signed Up August 14, 2012
Last Posted December 26, 2021 at 4:20 AM
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#83 yuki's demo reviews in Mentoring

Hello yuki. I finally got a game which I'd like you to review, if you got the time.

Demoname: profixdemo (
Class/role: Scout
Division(if possible): 4 (EU)
Logs of the match:
Other notes: We played against this fairly solid div3 team on granary and we couldn't really get into the game at first. We then started to take rounds of them. I'd like you to give me some advice on my own play and eventually give some advice for my mates that I can give them after.

Since they only play for a couple of months we have this really basic mid where both soldiers initiate the midfight (preferably at the same time) and we follow that up with the scouts/demo/med. It doesn't work that well at the moment mainly because we're not playing that long together and there isn't a lot of coordination going on. Can you also give me/us some midfight advice please?

Thanks in advance for taking your time. You rock!

Team disbanded. No need to review. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#10 TF2 In-Game PUG System? in TF2 General Discussion

I wouldn't mind paying something for a PUG-Pass or something. (like the dota spectator passes for example!) As long as the thing is really, really well done!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 ETF2L Division 1: Team Decerto vs. Rainbow Queens in Events

Go alba! D:

Fuck. I hit the wrong game. Was supposed to comment on the Team Reverto match. :D

posted about 11 years ago
#14 M y computer wont power on in TF2 General Discussion
wrechedddddI was gonna recommend an ebay page but I have no clue where you are from. either way, you'll be able to find your motherboard on ebay if you'd rather stick with the same setup. I also have an x58 mobo still going strong. Was it slammed around or something to cause that? maybe taken in a car to a LAN?

He is from sweden. Some people use the flags for their intended function. :P

posted about 11 years ago
#9 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion

Games like Starcraft 2 or Dota 2 don't have a big difference between public play and competitive play. The only thing that differs is individual/team skill. In TF2 there is a big difference between 6v6 and public play. I think that is one of the reason why most pub players don't want to make the jump into 6v6 right away. I know a lot of people that started with highlander because it's more similiar to pubs and then got into 6v6 because they got to know people that already played in it.

So if there is a way to make some public playlists that feature highlander/6v6 settings, I think that would improve the game quite a bit. But it also requires people that already know what they're doing helping out the newbies and teaching them how to play the mentioned gametypes.

€: I think the game mechanics are pretty good at this point. This is more of a way to make the game more accessible to pubbers.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 A simple multi-class frag vid in TF2 General Discussion

sick stuff

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Need someone to install graphics card? in Hardware

Not the newest guide but the best by far from my quick google search.

click here

It is actually pretty damn easy. They usually slide in and out without applying too much pressure.

posted about 11 years ago
#164 yahud in Customization

Ninjazz you baller. Will totally install this tonight. Also trogs team selection screen is amazing!

posted about 11 years ago
#47 Unlocks and effective strategies? in TF2 General Discussion

With my former team we used to do this push at badlands last that worked as follows

- One Scout goes Spy and disguises as friendly sniper and is just annoying in main/peeks barrels
- The other scout clears stickys with pistol/scatter from main and protects sniper/spy
- The Spy goes back into lower lobby, gets rid of disguise, cloaks and runs through main onto the point
- Decloaks and draws a lot of people down to the point because they dont expect it (or gets the cap against bad teams -_-)
- Demo and Medic kritz from main
- Soldiers go in top to have free high ground
- Scout stays in Main with Medic if they need to fall out or goes in late to finish cap/clean up

Worked really well in our matches. Haven't tried it in my new team though. :)

€: Doesn't really rely on any unlocks due to euroland tf2 but it's not something you see all the time.

posted about 11 years ago
#267 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 11 years ago
#7 HUD combo in Q/A Help

You have to copy lines from HudAnimations_tf.txt aswell. I can't tell you which ones because I've only done colour changes on hit but pulse animations should be in there as well. Just search for the name of your crosshair and copy & paste all the lines.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
DavidVegasprofixDavidVegasI always do this to the HUDs that I'm currently using.

I find numbers to be distracting and annoying to see when I suck

For someone who hasn't done a lot with HUDs so far. Can you give me/us a quick rundown on the steps you make or some keywords I have to look out for when trying to edit a scoreboard to make it similiar to yours? That would be greatly appreciated! :)

I don't remember the exact steps, but here are the scoreboard files for both Garm3n VIP KTC and Rayshud, hope that's more than nothing. :)

This helps a lot. Thanks man!

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
DavidVegasI always do this to the HUDs that I'm currently using.

I find numbers to be distracting and annoying to see when I suck

For someone who hasn't done a lot with HUDs so far. Can you give me/us a quick rundown on the steps you make or some keywords I have to look out for when trying to edit a scoreboard to make it similiar to yours? That would be greatly appreciated! :)

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Weird Crashing/Loading Problem in Q/A Help

You've made this thread completely useless. You should've kept the OP as it was and then added the solution. Perhaps adding a [SOLVED]-Tag to the title. Which makes it actually useful for forum search and linking your thread to other people.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 EU skill surf server? in TF2 General Discussion

Try this:

€: Just saw Matwoj posted it, sorry! :)

posted about 11 years ago
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