turbochad69Seems to crash due to some divide by zero when you have the width narrower than 640, I don't know how to fix it but I was able to reproduce the problem if that helps. You can put the height lower than 480 fine, so maybe that works for you (eg. 640x360 or something)
It's definitely a hud-related / hud-adjacent problem, for example if you do cl_drawhud 0 it doesn't crash. It also seems like you can get around the crashes by launching in a normal resolution, joining a map first, and then changing to your small resolution with mat_setvideomode or something, seemingly no crashes after that even when loading a new map or doing hud_reloadscheme. More of a workaround than a solution though. I wasn't able to narrow down what specific part of the hud (if any) is to blame during the short while I spent looking at it.
Thank you so much! Everything you've said worked in my case. Your "workaround" works especially, and it's not too much of a bother. Seeing as the hud and resolution functions with that method though, I think it isn't totally a hud related problem. Maybe it's an (unfixable) bug within the game that occurs at the first map load with such resolutions.
In regards to using a height lower than 480, while the game doesn't crash like that, it feels quite weird. I could definitely get used to it however. I'll see if I can try anything tomorrow, and if nothing helps, I'll mark the issue as solved. Thanks again.