eeevansSomething that I've been working on for a while
That is amazing
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198087494895 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:127229167] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:63614583 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | November 17, 2013 |
Last Posted | September 8, 2024 at 8:30 PM |
Posts | 346 (0.1 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.5 |
Windows Sensitivity | uhhhhh |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | deathadder v2 |
Keyboard | chroma blackwidow |
Mousepad | bigass cloth |
Headphones | lol |
Monitor | acer gn246hl |
eeevansSomething that I've been working on for a while
That is amazing
La_maisonHere is a bunch of files that I thought fit well together and give Huds like Broeselhud or older Huds a few extra bells and whistles. No config file editing necessary, simply merge the resource folders.
Content & Credits:
basechat.res (from Whayay´s ya_hud): moves the chat into the absolute bottom left corner
hudplayerclass.res (from Intellectual´s medhud): moves the 3D playermodel to the right and fixes rotation
votehud.res (from Flux´ fluxhud): gives voting panels a sleeker look
classloadoutpanel.res (from Rays´ rayshud): gives buttons to toggle red or blue team to preview loadouts, zoom function and extended rotation
backpackpanel.res (from Rays´ rayshud): scroll through pages with A, D, forward and backward buttons in addition to direct page buttons
scoreboard.res (from Chippy´s bxhud): simple, transparent scoreboard that fits pretty much any server and gamemode
This thing fixed up the old garm3n R-B
StaticVoidUpdate 1.3:
+ Added smaller netgraph
- Removed Backpack A & D page switching to enable newest version of backpack UI
* HUD is not dead, please read this:
Yay, I hated that font
redbanThanks for the quick delivery on the update, good work
Will you be adding 1280x720 support soon?
I believe there is a 1280x720 fix in the Customizations folder
omnireddon the topic of loading screens, how exactly do i get the gif.vtf to play when a map is loading?
i have the file, i just don't know what to do to implement it into my hud
Yeah, an actual tutorial from someone would be awesome. I tried it and the texture just came up black for me so I obviously fucked up somewhere.
i looked into the vmt of collycat's gif in his hud and i found this
"$baseTexture" "vgui/replay/thumbnails/gif1blah"
"$vertexcolor" 1
"$vertexalpha" 1
"$nolod" 1
"$translucent" 1
"animatedtexturevar" "$basetexture"
"animatedtextureframenumvar" "$frame"
"animatedtextureframerate" "31"
Should I say anything
EDIT:The flag of the gif itself is eight bit alpha, format is dxt5,10 mipmaps,width is 512, height is 256
EDIT EDIT: I have no idea what the fuck that means
cr4ftycollycatsome things I've been messing with on my hud
Looks pretty phenomenal.
I like that charge meter, i didnt like the other one
Please give support to smaller resolutions >_>. I miss my 1280x720
omniLinKr_Yeah I don't update my own hud pls removeomniHelloPretty sure he doesn't update this anymore
Also remove hud pls unless someone else is going to update it because I'm not going too.
I meant Caspian doesn't update this thread
Also remove hud pls unless someone else is going to update it because I'm not going too.
Pretty sure he doesn't update this anymore