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Signed Up February 23, 2014
Last Posted February 26, 2014 at 7:59 PM
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#44 Raiin surf_lt_omnific World Record in Other Games

What do you mean by skimming? Do you mean where you knick the edge of something and take no falldamage? There was hardly anywhere that people intended to skim. The only one that I can really think of is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_D3SKuKt6c&t=10m27s

There was only one surf map made in TFC, tehsurf. I, as well as many others, would surf mid pickup in places like alchimy_l2 bats, but surfing unfortunately never had a scene in TFC. There were maybe 2-3 servers, but they were all ported maps from 1.6.

As for playing TF2, no thanks. There's nothing there for me. I've got maybe 2 hours of free time every night after long works hours. I mainly stick to Surf maps and QuakeLive these days.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Raiin surf_lt_omnific World Record in Other Games
blinKPheeshblinK It's crazy how someone would put so much time into something like that but to each his own.Lol blinK, you probably spent 10x as much time in mulch_dm back in the day. You can't escape your past! :P
Probably similar time but mulch_dm is the equivalent to ammomod which is like its own game setting but it does improve your in game skills with aiming/movement. So at least it's practicing for the game. I don't know of many surfable competitive maps. Doesn't take away from the fact that it's cool though lol and probably incredibly difficult.

Plus phish, 10 years ago it wasn't as easy as it is today with getting pugs on early in the day. All we had was mulch or pubs to play in really.

Lol, Hi Phish and blink (makin me sign up). It's Gogs. nyro, threat, and I (bunch of tfc players) made this map. We basically made a concmap that happened to have surfs in it. We only made it because of how much all of the other surf maps suck. Source mappers are the worst.

You'd be surprised at how much playing these sorts of maps can help your aim. Stuff like Surfing and Quake3 Defrag is all about smoothness and control.

posted about 11 years ago