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SteamID64 76561198047572220
SteamID3 [U:1:87306492]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:43653246
Country United States
Signed Up November 7, 2013
Last Posted December 4, 2018 at 9:27 PM
Posts 101 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.25
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
1600 x 900
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g400s
Keyboard Noppoo Lolita Spyder 87 (Browns)
Mousepad PureTrak TALENT
Headphones Corsair HS50
Monitor Acer XFA240
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#17 Who else plays The Binding of Isaac? in Other Games

RPG in rebirth, and out of all achievements for rebirth / afterbirth i'm at 83%.

They definitely made the lost a lot more playable with this DLC given he now starts with D4 and spectral tears (and holy mantle too, for a price), so pouring all that time & blood/sweat/tears into getting the lost unlocks in vanilla rebirth sort of made me sad
But now Godhead is a lot harder to unlock too, so I guess it all balances out.

At first I was really upset about them using damage scaling to health on Ultra Greed / Hush, but now that i've sank a lot more time into Afterbirth (like 40 hours at least), I can say I think it's a good thing. It makes you appreciate the bosses a lot more, imo.

My favorite character is actually Samson. I really like his unlocks and I feel in terms of balancing, he's very well done. IV Bag Samson to this day is still one of my favorite 'synergies'

I also really like Eden. Always a fun time with him.

I love Lusty Blood for bringing back Vanilla Samson too.

The new sacrifice room mechanic is also really cool. If you get like really powerful on an earlier floor, and have health to spare, you can get a mega satan kill without going through the trouble of angel rooms (which are a lot worse in afterbirth than they were prior imo)

i really love this game. also the 109 ARG was some of the coolest stuff i've ever seen. Reading that stuff happen live was an experience i'll never forget

posted about 9 years ago
#41 Anime suggestions? in Music, Movies, TV

wall of text incoming

Hunter x Hunter (2011) (it's the best. episode number is high but it's enjoyable for every minute of it. animation, ost, characters and story are all A+++)
Your Lie in April (best i've seen in recent memory. it's simply beautiful.)
One Punch Man (what's currently popular and it's definitely popular for a reason (it's great))
Welcome to the NHK (unbelievably incredible and the message is absolutely amazing.)
Fate/ series (unlimited blade works and zero, not the 2006 one)
Magi the Labyrinth/Kingdom of Magic
Food Wars (Shokugeki no Soma) - (starts off weird but becomes crazy good and super hype)
The World God Only Knows (amazing OST, one of the best main characters and a really great supporting cast)

and then the always recommended but great:
Toradora (if you liked toradora, sakurasou might be up your alley.)
Code Geass (both seasons obviously)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (two different stories, both are incredible and worth watching,)
Durarara!! (currently 3 seasons out, it's about to get it's fourth and final one)
A Certain Magical Index / A Certain Scientific Railgun

also the monogatari series is really good but if you're not like super into anime and how weird/different it can be i'd stay away from it.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 yimi lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

incredible player with a great attitude.

playing with yimi the past season was a lot of fun. he's someone that even when you're on the receiving end of a butt blasting, you'll still somehow have fun.

his passion for the game shouldn't even be questioned, he's constantly playing MGE/DM to better himself and his aim is kind of ridiculous for it. He also has a surprising amount of knowledge of tf2 for someone who has only really played like 2 full seasons of 6s, if even that.

I've heard him called a mindless scout many a time and I honestly disagree. gamesense may not be his strongest point but I definitely feel that he knows what he's doing a majority of the time, which is something that can't be said for a lot of people. I won't deny he definitely can be a mindless "run in and die" scout, but most of the time he has very good decision making and it's rare to see him pick a fight he won't come out on top of.

lumiereswarning though dropped out of school to watch anime 8)

he is an anime as mentioned above by lights, but he's not the kind of weeb that will kill your team.
he'll use the vongola rings and his katana to take you to the top.

he's also not someone who would clam up and be quiet when you're losing, in fact i'd argue the opposite. whenever we were losing this season, instead of getting down in the dumps, he'd always be attempting to figure out why and throwing out suggestions to help us improve our game.

we once played a scrim on badlands where almost all of his damage was on engineer and he proceeded to start proclaiming "I'M AN ENGINEER" while imitating the voice of the engineer. It was incredible.

good luck yimi, i hope you find a great team!

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ps he also got mentored by stabbystabby on spy at one point, very good spy would recommend
posted about 9 years ago
#7 LFP IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

incredible players who deserve some amazing pickups. shiki and peyote are one of the best/most scary combos I've ever played against.

posted about 9 years ago
#46 Open Playoffs - Round 2 in TF2 General Discussion

Was a really great game, I think I speak for all of Blue Elephant when I say we were on the edge of our seats the entire game!

also, kman rules

posted about 9 years ago
#23 m0rehud black in Customization

this is amazing. it's a bit weird on my res (16:10, 1440 x 900) but it still functions well enough to use! awesome job!

posted about 9 years ago
#109 what is ur favourite pokemon :) in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#5 lft scout/pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

great player no matter if hes wielding a shotgun, gunboats, a sniper rifle or a scattergun. he can definitely be a trashtalker but most of the time it's either joking or it's warranted. his overall attitude is very nice and he's a very funny person once you get to know him. his aim is really solid and i'm sure he'll be a good fit no matter what team/class you put him on. really enjoyed playing with him for the past 2 seasons!

posted about 9 years ago
#54 Fallout 4 in Other Games
kirbyThat's how it was for FNV. I don't think you could alter run speed via files, so I did through the console and I got no achievements. Pretty sure I fully completed everything too :(

wow that sucks. this is my first fallout game so everything is a bit new to me but i don't think customization should be treated as cheating, that seems sort of bogus to me

posted about 9 years ago
#50 Fallout 4 in Other Games

I played for 4 hours and because I used the console, it considered that 'cheating' and didn't give me any of my achievements for the first 4 hours of gameplay. I'm gonna keep playing anyway but that sucks :(

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Inco lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

he's alright i guess

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he's incredible. hits pipes like it's no one's business. one of the most level headed people I've played with. he can overextend quite a bit, but unlike most people, he's willing to hear out criticism and will work on what he's told. If I ever caught him overextended, I simply had to remind him and he'd fix it very quickly. very dedicated to the game. I've played with him for 2 seasons, since blue elephant was formed and I've definitely seen massive improvement in his game. he's absolutely worth a tryout for any team.
posted about 9 years ago
#3 Nintendo DS in Other Games

3DS (2DS is just as fine, it's a cheaper alternative to the 3DS, just isn't as visually appealing) is more than worth it. With backwards compatibility it can play all regular DS games plus the huge variety of games the 3DS has. It depends on your interests but there are plenty of games out there that you should definitely try. Pokemon is always one of the best things to go to on a handheld, but the 3DS is nothing short of A++ titles with Pokemon having 4 titles which is always a great experience (Pokemon X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire as well as spinoffs), 3 main series Zelda games (Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D and A Link Between Worlds, as well as a spinoff: Tri Force Heroes.)
As for any Nintendo console there's no shortage of Mario/Kirby/Donkey Kong games.

If you liked Harvest Moon there are 3(?) Harvest Moon games on the 3DS, and also Animal Crossing: New Leaf is sort of in the same vein and is the biggest time sink you'll ever find, with a reason to start up your game every day and keep your town nice and clean.

If you're an RPG kinda guy, there are a lot of great RPGs on both the DS and 3DS. Chrono Trigger (DS), Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS), Bravely Default (3DS), Tales of the Abyss 3D (3DS) and plenty more. Also Smash Brothers and Mario Kart 7 (both for 3ds) are insanely fun games you will get plenty of hours out of. Overall the 2D/3DS is super worth it, it's by far the best handheld out there right now and games are still being released for it as we speak (the new zelda game tri force heroes was just released not even a week ago!)

tl;dr definitely go with the secondhand 2DS. it's a much better deal and can play both. i'm a huge loser

posted about 9 years ago
#44 LFT Scruff High Open Scout S20 in Recruitment (looking for team)

great player who ended up playing for a team leader that doesn't understand how to properly lead a team. I played with scruff for 3 seasons and I can assure you he's definitely improved in that time, and he's a great person on top of that. It really sucks this happened to you, Scruff. But I hope you find a great team and you're always welcome to be on the elephant roster if you can't find one

also the whole cutting someone over tf2 dying is great, i'll have to remember that for next time I cut someone

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Share your Settings! in Customization

HUD: m0rehud black
Crosshair: green ring (crosshair3, size 35)
Config: Comanglia's max stability
DX Level: dx_level 81
Aspect Ratio + Resolution: 1440 x 900, 16:10
Viewmodels: off, viewmodel_fov 90
Keyboard: noppo lolita spyder 87 (browns) & cm storm quickfire xt (blues)
Mouse: logitech g400s
Mousepad: puretrak talent
Sens: 6.8 in/360. 800 dpi, 3 in game
Monitor/Refresh/Response: acer v223w / 60hz / 5ms
Headset: steelseries siberia v2 (i also own a blue snowball)

posted about 9 years ago
#41 ESEA Open Power Ranks - Week 5 - Gullywash in TF2 General Discussion

This is really well done! I do however think puck fat should be higher ranked though, in our scrims against them they've put up super strong performances and the fact that their core has been together for multiple seasons is just icing on the cake.

posted about 9 years ago
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