Hello everyone,
Im fps player since centurys ago. Currently with 23y old
Been playing TF2 before free2play
Why play in NA?
Everyone deserves the truth, im currently banned from SA leagues. I got banned for trolling in Pub servers in 2009. Since 2009 i never used any hack. Its a shame, i regret and im other person since that day. I've been trying to play but people find me TOO suspicious and never trust me. Enjoy the vods of my playing www.twitch.tv/rakzbr , i also have vids on youtube. I always try to show my legitness, regardless of the situation.
I will adapt?
My english is not 100% fluently, but i can understand ingame very well. I traveled just once to US, but i always play with them. I won a championship playing for NA team in ENSL(Natural selection 2 league). I also played TPG/CAL open in Day of Defeat 1.3 in NA.
What is my skill level?
9000. Old bad joke, but i THINK i can play normally in high division, in Brazil i should be high so. But i WANT to play open/mid, basically to do my best and showoff
I have awesome aim, because i play too much quake and my tracking is good. Im also a nerd when becames to aim(every quake player feels like that) because i want to improve everytime.
Games i played: Quakelive/cpma, CS, DOD, DODS, CSS, CSGO, Warsow, NS2, TF2, CODbo2
Some vods of Tf2: http://www.twitch.tv/rakzbr/b/543314013 http://www.twitch.tv/rakzbr/b/543892060
Terrible edit video demoknight trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MpEerVBH0A
Well, after all that text, i just wanna say im a good person, hoping better days and experiences in my hobby which is gaming. Im very active and can play all night mostly but have my life as everyone.
Steam profile for contact: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RobsOcao/
Btw sry if i writed something you dont understand, mid-english XD