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Last Posted January 10, 2014 at 11:05 AM
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#24 Stalemates Revisited in TF2 General Discussion

Shorten the cap timer, shorten the halves. 30 minute halves are too long.

posted about 11 years ago
#151 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

#154- You and multiple other people are missing the point of why the higher level players are arguing for a league LAN. It's not for a "vacay." Without any competitive goal of "competing at LAN," players like shrugger and squid would never have even bothered getting as good as they are, which means that the game would stagnate. The entirety of ETF2L started trying only after they got their asses kicked by NA teams at... LAN.

If CEVO was smart they would already be putting out feelers to large NA LANs. If they came forward with placing at a big LAN the only reason to stay with ESEA would be "it's the devil we know."

posted about 11 years ago
#131 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion
The 30min/5 score difference ruleset is agreeably unfavorable here in NA. You can 1-0, grab the biggest wheel of cheese, and grind that baby down for next 27mins. Cheesing the clock isn't too common, but you can do it. In NA, you can cheese the clock the first half, but momentum is reset at half and its anyone's game again. The halftime momentum change is really critical too, I believe. Teams can really turn it around the second half; it makes for exciting TF2. You can also squeeze a lot of rounds into 30mins. I can't imagine how exhausting a map like granary would be if ya keep wiping each other at mid for 30mins.

I swear to God if I ever see this awful argument again

1. Any major professional sport that is comparable to TF2's style of play uses a time limit (soccer, hockey, basketball, football (A/D)). Watching a football team push 80 yards in a minute of gametime down 7 is exciting. Watching a basketball team try to score 4 points in 10 seconds is exciting. Whenever a game winds down and isn't exciting at the last moments, it's because one team is clearly superior to the other, and in TF2 terms would have rolled 5-0, 5-2.

2. More importantly than professional, non-esport examples is TF2 itself. Did you guys see i49? When did parking the bus come into play in the major matches between the top four teams? It didn't. Did you watch Mixup vs. iT on Metalworks, a week ago? Remember how iT pushed at the very end of the half because they maybe had a chance to get another round on the board even though it was completely crazy to try that push, and it worked? That's exciting. And when one of the top two teams can't park the bus on last with a few seconds remaining, I'd call that a non-problem.

Please refer to things Admirable (or others I forgot) have said regarding the merging of leagues and the problems with ETF2L, not the goddamn ruleset, because the ruleset should be the least of NA TF2's worries.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 new sticky launcher thing? in TF2 General Discussion

This has been around for as long as I can remember. Uses the same mechanic as holding down M2 when you're building uber, so it pops as soon as you hit 100%.

actually now that I think about it, pretty sure every right click thing works like that

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Team Names and Casts in TF2 General Discussion
milehighmilitiaWho decides what is inappropriate?


posted about 11 years ago
#132 rip invite in TF2 General Discussion
MaxHaxAll I got from this last page of threads is that blink has a shit job.

Not to mention there isn't an LA Fitness in NYC, so it's both shit AND made up

posted about 11 years ago
#49 My Custom Platinum T-Shirts in TF2 General Discussion

I saw the thread title and thought, "Oh, UGC Platinum team shirts, maybe that'll be cool"

instead it was maybe the creepiest thing I've ever seen on the internet

posted about 11 years ago
#154 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

If they made airblasts work more like the FaN and less like the dumbest thing in the world I'd save a lot of money on broken keyboards and blood pressure medication

posted about 11 years ago
#56 A/D cp_badwater in Map Discussion
BLoodSireditch the spire idea, put a CP on top of the roof where the sentry nest happens in pubs

While I think the work you've put into making a spire is great, I'm not sure if it's really necessary. The roof already lent itself to some great A/D gameplay, and it's kind of confusing going from an area on the PL that was rarely used to an entire capture point on the CP version.

I know everybody is "ooo add a spire," but I don't think this is the map for it. Keep it simple.

posted about 11 years ago
#185 America vs. Europe in News
the301stspartan How can you even ask for a story in a documentary? Do you even know what a documentary is?

This is extremely incorrect. Every good documentary is going to have a story. It doesn't need to be as ridiculous as your example, but judging by the actual events that happened, "underdog Americans defeat top European teams" seems like a good starting point.

As an example- have you seen Jiro Dreams of Sushi? Jiro is the unanimous best sushi chef in the world, and since he is the title you'd think the doc would center completely around him. But it doesn't, the story becomes about his two sons, how they entered the business, and what they are going to do when Jiro retires/ dies.

You personally may think that it "showcased all the awesome things that happened at i46" because you know the backstory, you watched the streams, etc. But think about it from the perspective of somebody who knows nothing about TF2. What would they take away from it?

posted about 11 years ago
#112 America vs. Europe in News

It's really cool that this was made, and it turned out pretty slick. A few things:

It's called America vs. Europe, but is super limited in regards to European coverage. All the Americans talked and talked about playing against the Euros but you hardly see any of it, and the match between Epsilon and LG is voiceover. The storyline/message goes a little all over the place because of it.

Somebody mentioned camera work- when you're doing interviews, you want depth in the background. Almost every interview was with the BG flat on, which makes everything else flat. Shoot with depth. Also noticed was how every interview was different (interviewer, no interviewer, looking straight on, looking off camera). I'm sure you know now to figure out the style and go. Also, it helps to tell interviewees first thing that the doc won't feature the interviewer's voice, so you don't have to keep correcting them.

I think the flip flopping on the style choices kind of hurt it a little- sometimes you went really straight TF2 style, and then others weren't.

The explanation of how the game works was great, but I think it should have gone just a tad deeper. Near the end the VO and players start talking about uber drops and people getting really excited whenever Brad died, and to somebody with no knowledge of the game they would spend that entire time wondering what ubers are and why medics are so important. A quick breakdown of each class would have helped.

I saw how you guys dealt with a lot of bad situations due to a small crew and made it work (and you did a great job at it), but the ending was extremely anti-climactic. I'm not sure why you decided to go voiceover and, at that, have it be essentially "LG won a round. Then Mixup did. Then LG did." I figured you were skipping over most of the matches in the beginning so you could get spend more time on the finals. The finals had some ridiculous plays that should have been highlighted. You did a little bit with Gravel Pit, but hearing from a voiceover that Mixup won was not good.

I hope more content like this doc gets made in the future, there isn't a whole lot of that out there for any e-sport. Next time though, less on the cutesy graphics and more on the nitty gritty. This all probably sounds a little harsh when you read it on a forum and I don't want to discourage anything getting made, so I hope you take it all in some positive manner.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Powerjack update -> pyro viable in 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

Dealing with the classes in #40 (excluding maybe heavy) are usually simple changes to play style, once you know the class is being run (I will shotgun this pyro instead of rocketing this pyro)

Whereas a simple play style change will not make you more effective against the standard classes.

They are viable but situational

posted about 11 years ago
#294 i46 documentary in TF2 General Discussion

A lot of people brought up the length of the doc- for me, 35 minutes out of four days of volunteer work is quite long. I've shot 5 straight 16 hour days to produce an 8 minute video. The amount of footage that's unusable after you've decided the story that you want to tell is much more than you think it is.

@LuckyLuke- how exactly did you shoot for 50 fps? For frag vids, sure, but that's a really strange frame rate for live action footage. What gear were you running for this?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 The state of tf2mix part 2. in TF2 General Discussion

He's been to crit-fail a bunch, same results. Hard to give advice more than "play more pubs until you know what the class does"

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Might get a new HUD, Suggestions? in TF2 General Discussion

can we have a new forum that is only for HUD problems, demo calls, and sensitivity questions

posted about 11 years ago
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