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SteamID64 76561198160073901
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:99904086
Country United States
Signed Up December 26, 2016
Last Posted December 27, 2016 at 11:05 AM
Posts 28 (0 per day)
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#91 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
EquaLThis is bait

No way this is real

Also, why do you type like this?

Please stop

so stupid, i am the best online gamer in the world, my videos are pure evolution

your parents don't even know who aphex twin is, they are worthless and listen to fm radio stations that play shitty music on purpose

you should be spamming your friends list with my videos

none of your friends have any clue how to have fun

posted about 8 years ago
#85 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
Daggerpls respond to my post i want to be roasted

i am going to bed, maybe tomoro

when you morons see shit that is a million years ahead of its time, you should probably try to not fagtalk it

that is why there are wars

some of you probably have grandfathers that died in some ware started by fagtalkers so that you could look like morons infront of the whole world

you better hope your dead grandfathers can see your methods of operation

jesus got crucified and tortured so that you could talk back to metahumans like me

all of you must want to be like barney fife and pontius pilate

just go into a skial and record it and post it here


posted about 8 years ago
#83 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster

look at all of the people downvoting me and upvoting their fellow morons

none of you can do anything

you should be showing all of your friends and family that there is actually someone like me in this world

posted about 8 years ago
#82 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
ConkyThis got boring like 2 pages ago, can someone just ban this guy now?

why do you want me banned?

a bunch of morons are moroning me.

why wouldn't you tell them that they don't know what they are looking at and they are dumb because they couldn't do what i do even if i coached them for 2 years

why wouldn't you rather have 15 morons to be banned instead of one amazing person

you want me banned and for them to stay

i deal with this all of the time and it is still shocking how dumb you people are

posted about 8 years ago
#81 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
unfwrangler jumps in 2016

nobody has ever done it like me, i did it for like 2 months and i haven't even done it since

none of your friends can do anything

i am doing you pubes a favor and you are crying

there is no reason for you morons to cry

say hi to your mom for me

posted about 8 years ago
#77 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
MeatballOff to the dumpster with this thread

you should be linking this thread to your whole friends list and tell them to watch the video

none of them have ever seen a video as good as this one

none of you can do anything at all

posted about 8 years ago
#72 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
unfhe trying too hard :/

what am i trying to hard to do exactly?

i posted a video of shit way beyond your imagination and a bunch of morons are bothering me

you hormones should be showing my videos to you parents

you should be running home from school to watch me play tf2

this video is just a glimpse into how amazing i am

and remember, the only reason i am so amazing is you are all so boring and have no imagination whatsoever which just makes you painful to watch

posted about 8 years ago
#71 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
YOyareachforthedeadAdnurakCerdurreachforthedeadgame IQmy game IQ is through the roof, I'm on a different plane of existence from the rest of you morons
*wrangler jumps behind you and brains u w/ my wrench* kheheheh.... shoulda known not to mess with me

why do you losers fell the need to lash out and use lies and bullshit to argue with someone a million times more talented than your whole family tree

your tree is slow and stupid

i posted a video of all kinds of shit that you will never see in your life and you have a problem with that and you just automatically get jealous.

only a moron would argue with me, i am obviously a genius, go in a 32 person skial and record yourself and post it here and show me how boring you are and how you have no dick.

i am a legend in all kinds of games and sports in this world i have been a legend since i was 5 years old, both sides of my family are filled with all stars and they all look up to me.

you family is shit, your dad is probably 6-3 and played baseball for 10 years and could only throw 55 mph, he is probably worthless which is why you feel the need to lash out at things you can't understand

I honestly don't know if you just have a really bad sense of humor or you really are just a massive dumbass

i have been online gaming for 16 years and i am sick of you people, i am the most unique player in the world in any game

so when a bunch of unimagnative boring morons bother me i am very quick to tell you how boring you are and how dumb you are

posted about 8 years ago
#67 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
AdnurakCerdurreachforthedeadgame IQmy game IQ is through the roof, I'm on a different plane of existence from the rest of you morons
*wrangler jumps behind you and brains u w/ my wrench* kheheheh.... shoulda known not to mess with me

why do you losers fell the need to lash out and use lies and bullshit to argue with someone a million times more talented than your whole family tree

your tree is slow and stupid

i posted a video of all kinds of shit that you will never see in your life and you have a problem with that and you just automatically get jealous.

only a moron would argue with me, i am obviously a genius, go in a 32 person skial and record yourself and post it here and show me how boring you are and how you have no dick.

i am a legend in all kinds of games and sports in this world i have been a legend since i was 5 years old, both sides of my family are filled with all stars and they all look up to me.

you family is shit, your dad is probably 6-3 and played baseball for 10 years and could only throw 55 mph, he is probably worthless which is why you feel the need to lash out at things you can't understand

posted about 8 years ago
#66 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#64 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
BBiA_duchessYeah this is 100% a troll it's impossible anyone can be this dumb.

you are the troll, you don't even know what you are looking at

please expand on your moron thoughts because the other morons aren't quite as moron as you and you need to influence them so they can be exactly like you

tell me how the video is bad compared to what you would do in any situation in the video?

it is so funny when a flock of boring trolls try to talk shit to me

posted about 8 years ago
#55 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#49 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
Cerdurif my mom knows who bjork is do i win a prize

yes, play the song unison for her and if she knows it is bjork then i won't say she is worthless as a woman

posted about 8 years ago
#47 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
crabfthis is a very questionable gimmick. like i understand your end goal but you tried waaay too hard to accomplish it, you made yourself too obvious. try again in a few months and hope people forget about this.

also it doesnt help that you got right into this on the very day you regged your account.

i didn't do anything wrong, i am showing you momos what is possible, you should be telling all of these morons to stfu

i posted a video and a bunch of dumbdumbs are bothering me and you think i am doing something wrong

how about this, if you morons want to analyse something, analyse the video

all of you could go in pubs for 5 hours a day for 20 years and you will all be boring as fuck with no balls and no imagination and your game IQ will still be low

that is why i am so unique, because all of you have no IQ and no imagination

this is no gimmick, i am trying to educate you pubes

posted about 8 years ago
#44 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster
fahrenheitarosei am convinced this is a shitpost on some alt
this is not real
please don't tell me this is real

honestly if someone went through the trouble to make an hour and a half long video of them fucking around pubs just to shitpost i would be mildly impressed

honestly why do you even come to this website, i am the best player in the world, i make the best videos in teh world

why wouldn't i want to show you pubes what you are suppose to do. you go in pubs and you are boring and you suck

i am the most exciting person to watch in any game ever

why are you wondering why i wouldn't want to show you what you are suppose to do, none of you have any clue what to do

you are boring and slow, you are slower than a turtle with a 50 pound dick with old people fucking on top of it

go into a 32 person pub and record yourself and get on blue on a payload map and look at how you dumb and clueless you are, then you might see how i am different than all of your friends

there is nobody like me, and you are wondering why you need to see what it is like to be me?

posted about 8 years ago
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