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Last Posted April 3, 2014 at 6:04 PM
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#237 rip sven in TF2 General Discussion
freakinrespecktzHowever, most of the people bandwagoning on the hate are still high-schoolers with no exposure to the real world.Since you are obviously highly educated, I am sure you will have no trouble providing your research that supports this statement.
respecktzNot everything in this life is about you dumb little middle/high schoolers. Go do well in school before you make silly bandwagoning comments on an internet forum.
How the fuck is doing well in school related to this?

well you are real mad!!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#230 rip sven in TF2 General Discussion
gardenWithADanceNumberPersonally I think it's rediculous that streamers should have to watch what they say. If you dont like what the streamers says or does, watch a different stream. Most people who stream will do it because they wanna show something to people, but at the same time they are also feeding thier ego. It's a pastime that caters to narcissism and that can lead to some shit getting said. Either way, streamers come and go. And sometimes the go in an extravagant way (r.i.p PYYYOUR).
Yeah, I really don't agree. These people are looked up to by a myriad of others, so their words carry weight. If your favourite tf2 player starts telling you that it's okay to shame someone about their weight in such a way, this is undoubtedly harmful (especially given the context).
If it was simply a case of showing people things, they should turn off their facecam and mic.

HAVE YOUR OWN OPINION. Why would your opinion be swayed by what a streamer says if you are mature and have your own mind on things?

posted about 10 years ago
#227 rip sven in TF2 General Discussion
blinKIt's calling a spades a spades. Would you call Governor Chris Christie skinny? I'd call him fat. I wouldn't really poke fun at him for it as it's a disease. It can be fixed though. Seeing how I work in the industry of weight loss I see it all day every day. People don't need to be told they're fat but the ones who know they need to do something about it as it's a slower form of suicide get my praise. It is what it is and I don't know why it bothers people to hear the truth for once. I'm sure every single person that had a problem with him calling someone fat has called someone fat before in their life.

Also: If you don't think streaming for 400 people, responding to their chat messages, and acting out for them while in game effects your focus at an invite level at a class you've never played before on a team you've never played with before, well you're an idiot. I don't think Ruwin ever should've went to soldier but it doesn't mean that he's washed up. I think he'd have done way better minus the streaming. I don't know why he lets people way below him judge the way he plays though as they still were beating everyone. That's a whole nother topic however. He'll be back in invite soon on scout raping everyone again and you can all latch to his balls when it happens for another go around.

Well said man. I'm with you on this issue. However, most of the people bandwagoning on the hate are still high-schoolers with no exposure to the real world. They can't face the truth yet.

posted about 10 years ago
#224 rip sven in TF2 General Discussion

I never make any forum posts and this will probably be the only one I write but honestly you haters need to re-evaluate your life if you are really offended by what Sven said. And if you are not even in college, you are definitely in for a hard ass life. He didn't even mock you and you are already offended like a scary cat. There will be way more criticisms in YOUR life from your boss, your enemies, and whatnot. GROW UP and learn to respect and learn from your mistakes. Sven made a comment about a fat chick. SO WHAT?!?! As if you yourself have never made a negative comment about someone else. Really? And if you really think you are so morally impeccable, good for you but you need to be more open-minded and respect other people's opinion. Not everything in this life is about you dumb little middle/high schoolers. Go do well in school before you make silly bandwagoning comments on an internet forum.

Sven I got your back. Every one is entitled to their own opinion. It is your stream. You can do whatever you want. I see some big names out here thinking that you should act as a "role model" for the community. I challenge them with a big WHY?!?! Sven is not their father, he is not their mother. Why should Sven be politically correct or uphold any kind of moral stance if he doesn't feel like it? Besides, if you don't have a mature and respectful mind, you shouldn't even watch his stream. Respect people's opinions and move on.Start growing some balls and stop being annoying little gossipers


posted about 10 years ago