was there a final consensus on ashville? a lot of people complained initially but i thought it played fairly well when i played it.
in the interest of not having 5 random fucking maps to choose from based on the whim of a killing/kalkin, we should get a discussion going sooner rather than later.
i don't know what kind of alternatives there are.
pro turbine? are there any viable ctf maps yet? saddens me we can't make this game mode work.
metalworks? always played well imo and dunno what got voted in instead of it but its fun to look at and plays smoothly.
someone mentioned yukon tonight and i remember one reason everyone got so against it was because that was the season lan was basically ruined by double heavy strats. with the heavy limit down to 1 is yukon viable again? i always liked it but maps with a hard to push last are historically pretty awful. the rest of the map was always fun tho imo.
its played in highlander and i dont understand why we play viaduct instead of ashville. on ashville sniper is much less of a pain. and its not uphill pushing the point and the underneath route provides something for the roamer to do besides get bodyshot mid-air. also this is like the only map we play in invite pugs that isnt in the rotation. in fact we NEVER play viaduct and ashville is usually favored more than granary. so why isn't it played in esea?
some people hated it but there were dm fights everywhere and i think it might have taken a season for people to warmup to the format but it adds some interesting strategy variations. personally i enjoyed it. really fast paced constant action, and uber has a much smaller impact on the game. kritz/quick fix are much more viable.
anyways 2 questions:
1) Is cp_ashville a good map or will it likely be the map voted out?
2) If voted out what are some viable replacements?
discuss. please don't get offended.