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Signed Up December 16, 2012
Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ⋅⋅ 229
#32 Why is Badlands not in any big league map pools? in TF2 General Discussion
brodyxattuubro i really feel like people forget how many esea and etf2l playoff, and lan matches went to golden cap or timeout on badlands. worst map to watch invite or prem level no questionhello im here to call u a pussy in this thread too
how are u gonna get mad about maps being close in invite playoffs? hello???

If we only play maps where one team has a massive advantage, the score will be obvious right after the map picking stage, allowing us to massively streamline playoffs by not playing the matches at all. None of that "going over the schedule" nonsense. So I think he's onto something.

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Steam Deck in Hardware

Thankfully Valve is very upfront about the specs.

CPU: Zen 2 4c/8t, 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32)
GPU: 8 RDNA 2 CUs, 1.0-1.6GHz (up to 1.6 TFlops FP32)
APU power: 4-15W
16 GB LPDDR5 RAM (5500 MT/s)
40Whr battery. 2 - 8 hours of gameplay

So it's not a report. Those are Valve's official specs.
Assuming the APU is limited to exactly that TDP then 2-8 hours is a bit tight, but not completely unrealistic. 5W for the rest of the system (20W for 2 hours) I could buy, 1W (5W for 8 hours) I don't really think is going to happen, though I don't know enough about the display's power consumption to really refute it. I guess it's possible when the APU consumes even less because only one core is barely active and the GPU is deep in power saving mode as well, but that's certainly not happening for AAA games.

EDIT: The Nintendo Switch is getting by with a 16 Wh battery and a chip that officially got a 15W TDP. So remember that all TDPs are lies. If you underclock something hard enough it suddenly becomes really efficient.

posted about 3 years ago
#11 Steam Deck in Hardware
turbochad69I mean it's pretty impressive that they packed what's essentially a whole x86 laptop + battery into something that small, I'd imagine it took some innovating

It's basically a slightly downclocked Ryzen 3 PRO 4450U/5300U (that's the closest equivalent) with a newer and slightly bigger GPU part (8 CU 1 year old RDNA 2 instead of 5/6 CU 4 year old GCN 5/Vega). It's still a 2 year old Zen 2.
It's sort of a spiritual successor to a bog standard Ryzen 5 3500U. That came out in 2019, with 2 year old Zen 1 4c/8t CPU, 2 year old 8 CU Vega GPU, 15W. So in 2021 you'd get a 2 year old Zen 2 4c/8t CPU, 2 year old 8 CU RDNA GPU. Really the only reason this isn't a list part is that AMD is for some reason still using Vega in their APUs, both for Zen 2 and Zen 3. So Valve needed a semi-custom part to get anything newer than Vega and at that point you might as well get the newest GPU architecture, RDNA 2, not RDNA. They stuck with Zen 2 for some reason though. Probably because it's cheaper.
EDIT: Better comparison: Literally take the Xbox Series S/X or PS5 chip. Cut the CPU in half. Cut the GPU by 2/3 (Series S) to 9/10 (Series X). Cut the bandwidth by 2/3 to 9/10, same as the GPU. There's your Steam Deck chip. Valve literally went to AMD with a console, pointed at it, and said "Give us that, but with a lot less power".

Valve's "innovation" is ordering a very standard semi-custom 15W APU from AMD, that only differs from what you can get in a standard notebook by having a newer GPU part.

The Good:
-It will run literally anything. Anything that runs on a pc should run on this.
-It's a lot more powerful than a Nintendo Switch. 5 times, maybe? That's just a guesstimate. Also more reasonable CPU to GPU ratio. 4 instead of 6 cores + 50% more GPU power seems like a much better deal than the 4500U in the AYA NEO

The Bad:
-It's still a low power mobile APU. While it can run any AAA title it will not run anything recent well. Not even at 1280x800. The GPU is about 1/3 of a 5300(M), literally the lowest-end GPU AMD is still selling. Think RX 550 or GT 1030. The 80$ GPUs from 4 years ago.
-64 GB eMMC is pretty fucking painful, both in terms of size and speed (mostly random access), 130$ for a 256 GB NVMe SSD is bloody robbery, about 3 times what Valve probably pays for it, same thing with 250$ for a 512 GB "high-speed" NVMe SSD

posted about 3 years ago
#3827 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yes, that should work.
If you want to make extra sure, there's a compatibility list here:
Compatibility -> Memory By RX-5xxx
You'll need the exact part number.

posted about 3 years ago
#3825 PC Build Thread in Hardware

You'll probably want RAM that isn't an SSD.
The rest seems fine.
850W is more than enough.

No, I don't see how you'd get any substantial difference in TF2 performance. Extra cores wouldn't do anything and you don't want to overclock so it comes down to stock clockrate. Paying 50% more for a 5800X that's 0.1 GHz faster, a bit over 2%, just isn't worth it. I've got no idea how an 11600K(F) compares to a 5600X in TF2 specifically, because it's faster for some things and slower for others. On average it's slightly slower in games, so I wouldn't gamble on that unless someone confirms it's faster or you want to save money (not sure how it'd work out with the mobo, though there's also the 11600) or have another reason.

posted about 3 years ago
#116 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion
illyaShoutout to RGL considering going into spec for 20 seconds the same thing as installing LMAOBOX onto your computer so my team leader wasn’t allowed to play scrims/matches for a month and a week.

If he got lost on his own keyboard trying to find the button to change teams, after fumbling and accidentally pressing it while waiting to respawn, then it's really no great loss.
He's clearly not meant for multitasking. With playing the game not distracting him anymore he can now focus on leading the team.

And if he didn't get lost...

posted about 3 years ago
#109 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion

RGL about RGL Mods

posted about 3 years ago
#97 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylidc enough to read all these posts but it is pretty hilarious that the situation is so dumb that euro pc build thread man setsul, who has no stakes in this whatsoever, is arguing with rgl admins about how blatantly stupid the decisions are

I do have a stake here.
I'm not even playing TF2 anymore, I just come here for the drama, and RGL has been the most consistent source of drama since its inception.

posted about 3 years ago
#90 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly I just want to know how this mess is supposed to work.
According to the rules

If the opposing team believes the ringer is greatly better than the person they are replacing, then they should contact an admin citing the above criteria for ringers.

the burden was on Queequey to get the default ringer denied.
So where does the mysterious "mod approval" come into this? Is a mod an admin? How was darty denied without anyone ever seeing the match page? Is there an RGL mod out there you can just DM to deny a default ringer and he'll just go "yeah, sure" without checking anything?
Was darty not properly denied because no admin was contacted (either because it wasn't through official channels or because mods are not admins) yet everyone kept dicking around anyway?

I don't think you are to blame and rescheduling seems sensible but everyone else seems to have not just dropped all the balls, but yeeted them as far away as possible.

posted about 3 years ago
#88 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion

The whole line is an insult tbh.

FleskoreRinging a top 3 player regardless of class for a mid IM match is excessive. I would only accept if this is truly a last case scenario and there are not any other possible ringers you can get

What kind of wishy-washy garbage is that?
Either it's excessive and he as the admin gives the approval to deny the ringer because anything else would be unfair to Queequey's team or it's not excessive, darty is the default ringer and Queequey can go suck it up.
There is no rule that states "default ringers can be denied if they are too skilled but only if there are other ringers available."

posted about 3 years ago
#86 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion

So is Fleskore the mysterious "mod approval" or was otherwise involved from the start? Because it sure doesn't sound like it from the screenshots.

And either way it doesn't matter. He's not getting out of that hole.
Here's another quote:
"Ringing a top 3 player regardless of class for a mid IM match is excessive"
He clearly doesn't agree with your interpretation of the rules. Honestly, the rules being up for interpretation by that degree is just asking for inconsistent rulings and people getting screwed over by admins.

posted about 3 years ago
#83 Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021 in TF2 General Discussion
ScreamFleskore and I were led to believe that Darty would be playing scout in this match, to which we gave the other team the ability to decide whether or not they would deny him.

Excuse me?
How was Fleskore led to believe that Darty would be playing scout? Can he not read or does he completely lack short-term memory? He even wrote himself "do you accept darty as a ringer that will only play medic?"

ScreamThis is not okay, as if we had known Darty was playing medic, we would have reverted the denial, and prevented this from happening.

Fleskore knew. He 100% knew. There is no denying that.

posted about 3 years ago
#28 What do you use for OS Migration or HDD backup? in Hardware

I'm baffled by your inability to read.

SetsulI just find that purposefully giving useless advice is a dick move and not that funny.
posted about 3 years ago
#26 What do you use for OS Migration or HDD backup? in Hardware

I tried putting a hint in my post to keep you from giving wrong advice, be it because you didn't read the question, didn't bother to consider what he'd need, or because wrong advice is oh-so-funny, but apparently it went over your head.

I just find that purposefully giving useless advice is a dick move and not that funny.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 What do you use for OS Migration or HDD backup? in Hardware

Ah yes, just in case he tries to steal his own data from his own storage drive.

posted about 3 years ago
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