I don't know you personally and I've never even played with you because I'm American and don't even play 6's but I've clipped more from your stream than I can count because your hitscan is so insane. I remember posting a clip in the stream highlights thread of an insane dropshot you got in a pug on sniper that was ridiculous. The AMERICANS who play HIGHLANDER ONLY I hang out with still mention how absolutely insane you are.
This isn't to say that videogames or TF2 are the primary/only reason why you should stay. It is to say that while it might sound small to you right now, you've managed to wow thousands of people who haven't even met you over the internet. That's a feat very, very few people can legitimately accomplish. Killing yourself would be such a horrible waste.
The people who have survived jumping off the Golden Gate bridge always remark that once they jumped, they realized every problem they were facing was solvable - except for the fact that they had jumped.
Don't do it. We're here for you.