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Signed Up December 17, 2013
Last Posted December 30, 2013 at 3:00 PM
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#81 MangacHUD in Customization

First off, thanks for the HUD. I like it a lot, but I have a couple bugs with it:

1) Like like Lennon (post #66) and Cnozzz (post #67) have posted earlier, it's impossible to click the little notification icons on the main menu (

2) I get some weird clipping issues on the 3D model and the various elements in the HUD. Not sure if that's normal (

3) When viewing the scoreboard, the right edge of both teams is truncated so I can't view the ping of players. The provided screenshot is from an earlier release, but I still get the issue. Ignore the "-1". Pretty sure it's Randomizer's fault (

4) When playing MVM, the button to redeem all the credits (once halfway through or w/e) can't be found. Don't have a picture of this as I've been having trouble just joining an MVM server lately.

I have Auto Launch options set to "-w 1920 -h 1080" and I'm pretty sure I've installed all the custom fonts as I can see them in my Fonts folder. Thanks again.

posted about 11 years ago