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Signed Up March 11, 2018
Last Posted October 4, 2021 at 8:21 PM
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#14 2021-2022 NBA Season in Off Topic

MVPG this szn btw

posted about 3 years ago
#10 2021-2022 NBA Season in Off Topic
batemanSpadesbatemanben simmons is a tremendous pussy, never trust lightskinsBen's dilemma is almost as funny as your team's best player not trusting sciencebradley beal has his issues and I wont deny that at all but ben simmons is literally throwing a tantrum and acting like a four year old, he's going to get blackballed from the league at this point and I don't understand what his endgame is

This is simply the only thing he can do to get off the sixers. Outside of burning every bridge imaginable and refusing to show up, he has 0 leverage. This the only thing he can do Lolz

posted about 3 years ago
#34 2020-2021 NBA SEASON in Off Topic

day-to-davis and lemickey bubble frauds. ring doesnt count!!

posted about 3 years ago
#3 2020-2021 NBA SEASON in Off Topic

Clippers got this szn..

posted about 4 years ago
#125 2019-2020 NBA SEASON in Off Topic

OKC gonna get kenny

Houston gonna go for jeff O_O

posted about 4 years ago
#118 2019-2020 NBA SEASON in Off Topic

happy for dwight

posted about 4 years ago
#114 2019-2020 NBA SEASON in Off Topic
batemandoc is a bum who was milking 2008 harder than paul pierce
hes had semi-stacked to stacked rosters for a decade and has done nothing
good riddance

Wouldn't call him a bum but hes by far the most overrated coach in the NBA. Stacked Celts and only won 1 time lmfao. Phil lowkey dissed him in the finals as well haha.

Had lob city and couldn't make the WCF

Had all that current talent in LA and couldn't make the WCF. Doc got out-coached the entire playoffs. He 100% deserved to be fired. You can't blow a 3-1 lead in the fashion he just did and keep your job. Don't know who the fuck clippers will get from here. If they get D'antoni itll be the same shit. Probably ty or cassell

posted about 4 years ago
#71 2019-2020 NBA SEASON in Off Topic

bro doc and PG are gonna lose us the series man this is so sad

posted about 4 years ago
#66 2019-2020 NBA SEASON in Off Topic

portland in 7

posted about 4 years ago
#45 Top 5 favourite current rappers in Music, Movies, TV

polo g

posted about 4 years ago
#29 UGC Season 30 + Updates on recent events in TF2 General Discussion
Extrasolarfigsysplitting the community further will be the nail in the coffin for the highlander format. rgl is fine, exa is a great admin who actually cares and is involved with the community unlike anyone at ugc. stop trying to capitalize on the river/karl drama when ugc had the exact same issues
trapsterandrew-what did karl doKarl sent a dick pic to a female player 2 years ago, and that incident along with some other behaviors led to him getting banned now.
so why wasnt he banned when rgl was created instead of the same week he has 6/9 players confirmed for a dK remake with bowl - when knd is now dead and the team with a highlander head admin on it is currently sitting top of invite almost uncontested

really activates the almonds..........

we're sitting at the top of the league uncontested because every other team is dogshit and cant beat us

weird how that works

posted about 5 years ago
#13 UGC Season 30 + Updates on recent events in TF2 General Discussion
ExtrasolarshaayyUGC is dogshit and will remain dogshit for the entirety of its existence
and somehow its still better than RGL
state of this game lmao, valve were right to kill it

I got banned from ugc for the simple fact that a head admin didn't like her 2nd place badge. But yeah it's a glowing league and a true example of how to run things. They also aren't going to ban a player even after repeated sexual misconduct. But yeah ugc is amazing

posted about 5 years ago
#9 UGC Season 30 + Updates on recent events in TF2 General Discussion

UGC is dogshit and will remain dogshit for the entirety of its existence

posted about 5 years ago
#155 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Bowl doesn't even care about highlander lol this ban hardly even affects him wtf

posted about 5 years ago
#78 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

hl admins deal with highlander related stuff

6's admins deal with 6's related stuff

7's admins deal with 7's related stuff

no reason for 6's or 7's admins to get involved in a highlander related incident lol

posted about 5 years ago
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