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Signed Up March 21, 2018
Last Posted October 8, 2019 at 8:33 PM
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#47 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects


Sorry for the inactivity, I've been getting destroyed by college/pledgeship/my job so not a lot of time to work on my old TF2 projects :(

On a brighter note, I've been reached out to by various people asking to host the bot themselves which is awesome. If anyone who's interested in hosting could DM me on Discord (sharky#5178) or email me at (probably gonna get a faster response this way lol).


24stephNicellThe source code for payload is at if anyone wants to try to rehost it.
i would rehost it myself but the docs page is down/blank and i've never used the framework that the bot is written in (node, i think?) so i have no idea what im doing


I am currently reaching out to get a bot token, I am experienced in discord.js and node and I will be hosting it online, 24/7.
I will continue to add to the bot given what I learn from it.

Thanks guys for waiting.

If you wanna email/DM me sometime I can walk you through how the bot actually works since I slacked on the comments in the later parts of development lol.

Thanks for being such an awesome community!

EDIT: As clarification: if someone decides to host Payload they will have to create a new bot account, meaning you will need to add their Payload bot to your server again. I could try to get my bot moved onto the new hoster's Discord developers account but I'm not sure that I want to do that unless I 100% trust the person hosting it.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Sharky's Log Combiner in TF2 General Discussion
WiethoofdThanks for the fixed and updated version of the website! Has been a huge help during casts to combine logs of stopwatch maps and ones with golden caps on the fly to show on stream.

Only issue I've come across is that the v4 occasionally drops a round when adding 3 logs together.

Also a feature to store the Logs API key in a cookie or local storage, so I don't have to keep digging it up. As well as a 'clear log links' option without having to refresh the page wouldn't hurt me at least, in case multiple stopwatch maps require combining.

Thanks for the feedback!

I haven't finished up v4 or worked on it at all in a while honestly, but I guess this is a wake up call to go in and finally finish it (don't want it eternally being in beta).

The website should be implementing the use of cookies, I'll check it out and fix it since it looks like it doesn't work. As for the idea of being able to clear links without refreshing, I don't know why i didn't think of making that a feature myself lol.

I'll get it updated as soon as I can.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Sharky's Log Combiner in TF2 General Discussion

New website here:

Yes i know i'm a little late.

posted about 5 years ago
#36 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects
hamahamsharky_SherwoodfanAdded several new commands:
- r34
Also r34 happens to be the most used command by far in the servers I’m in. Who knew? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
says more about u than it does the average user lol
still cool bot ty

Not when the servers I’m on are comp tf2 servers.

posted about 5 years ago
#34 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects
SherwoodfanAdded several new commands:
- r34


Popular request.

Also new a bunch of new updates rolled out recently! Here's the general gist:
- Fixed annoying "payload is typing..." bug.
- Added a cool "changelog" command which lets you see the patch notes for any update.
- Completely redid formatting for some link previews.
- General code restructuring.

Bugs are fixed as fast as I can. If you find any please don't hesitate to tell me.

Also currently in the progress of making an admin dashboard for you to view and manage settings for servers which you have invited payload to. Here's a preview:

EDIT: Also r34 happens to be the most used command by far in the servers I’m in. Who knew? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 5 years ago
#32 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

v2 is out and live.

You can view the changelog here:

There's probably some bugs I didn't catch so if you do find any feel free to DM me on Discord or Steam:
sharky#0002 (some bitch took 0001)

Yes I'm aware I'm slacking off a bit on tests I have to update those.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Payload Rewrite Survey in Projects
Twiggyedit : question solved

What was the question tho

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Payload Rewrite Survey in Projects

A lot of people have been asking me to make Payload open source lately. But while I really liked the idea, I didn’t want to have the mess of code that was Payload public on my github page.

So, naturally, I have finally convinced myself to completely rewrite the bot from the ground up. This will allow me to add features faster and catch bugs more efficiently, plus, you get to see the guts of the bot in all their glory.

Part of this rewrite is adding new features and scrapping the ones no one uses, so it’d be extremely helpful if you guys (the ones that have used my bot) would take 2 minutes to fill in this feedback form thing:
It’s like 6 questions and none of them require you to answer in depth. It’ll give me a way to see what people like and what people want.

Thank you :)

EDIT: Forgot to link the repository lol

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Logify - The Smart Log Combiner for in Projects

Logify v4 is really close to becoming the recommended version. For now, I have added an option to use v4 instead of v3 at the bottom of (v3 is still the default).

Version 4 will remove all damage calculation problems including double damage and inaccurate damage. It's still sorta in its testing phase so if you do decide to start using v4 and find any problems, please tell me about them.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Logify - The Smart Log Combiner for in Projects

Logify has been fixed to work on Firefox (which apparently doesn’t support asynchronous functions yet).

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Logify - The Smart Log Combiner for in Projects

Sorry about the huge delay but Logify is back up. I learned my lesson and am now using Python for all things text related. Also new version of Logify that fixes double dpm coming in the very near future.

posted about 6 years ago
#259 match stats in Projects

Yo why aren’t damage stats showing up here

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Logify - The Smart Log Combiner for in Projects

I assume you meant "Details", not "Detils", just a little typo :)

Otherwise awesome, thanks a lot man!

Yea, I keep forgetting to fix that lol.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Logify - The Smart Log Combiner for in Projects

Yes, all the websites are built using raw bootstrap because I can’t be bothered to do aesthetic stuff right now. Will get around to making it look pretty later.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Logify - The Smart Log Combiner for in Projects

Hello, it is I again.
I finally got around to rewriting Logify. It is now faster and more efficient than ever.

Webapp: ( now redirects to this)
API Reference:

Right now we're at version 3, which fixed all known bugs in the combination process. I am currently in the process of developing v4, which will fix common single-log problems like:
- Fucked payload scores
- Doubled DPM
- Doubled anything, actually
- Inaccurate stats due to timestamp offsets
- More which I will find and fix later

Look forward to the future.
For now you can use what is essentially Spyro's log combiner but on a website, so no need to download anything.

Thanks for reading! Leave suggestions below or contact me if you'd like:

posted about 6 years ago
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