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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted October 31, 2021 at 11:17 AM
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#8 How do I maincall when my flank doesn't talk much? in TF2 General Discussion

Em,recruit teammates that are actually social and easy going?

posted about 8 years ago
#43 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliashenaniganIt's usually pyro mains or ignorant people that think pyro is weak.tbh pyro is still a shit class anyway.

More like a class that was designed for obnoxious pricks that like ruining the fun of other people.

posted about 8 years ago
#41 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion

It's usually pyro mains or ignorant people that think pyro is weak.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion
Max_shenaniganDecapotatoPontreddit is filled with a bunch of toxic steel highlander players so don't take them serious. Pyro must be banned!!
It's already been said but banning engie would make 5cp pubs way more fun than banning pyro. Setting the class limit to 1 engie would be good enough, nothing is worst than dealing with 5 engies building on last.
I would rather play against 5 engineers on defense rather than a pocketed phlog pyro with unusuals.
Bonus points if this is happening on dustbowl.
Wait are you actually serious?

In what world is 5 Engineers better than a phlog Pyro

At least sentries don't move and they can be countered by demo,soldier spam/good spies.
While a phlog pyro turns on his crits,gets ubered by a med and then you start to question valve skills when it comes to game's balance.

posted about 8 years ago
#35 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion
DecapotatoPontreddit is filled with a bunch of toxic steel highlander players so don't take them serious. Pyro must be banned!!
It's already been said but banning engie would make 5cp pubs way more fun than banning pyro. Setting the class limit to 1 engie would be good enough, nothing is worst than dealing with 5 engies building on last.

I would rather play against 5 engineers on defense rather than a pocketed phlog pyro with unusuals.
Bonus points if this is happening on dustbowl.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 how's exams going for you? in Off Topic

The last time i had to do exams were 3 years ago.
Now it's just an unpleasant memory.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 Worst sounds in the game? in TF2 General Discussion

The pan one,definitely.

posted about 8 years ago
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