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Signed Up June 4, 2016
Last Posted February 5, 2017 at 1:53 AM
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#7 can't play 4:3 stretched on new monitor in Q/A Help

worse comes to worst try using integrated gfx? idk m8 i use i5 3570k built in gfx and i can stretch just fine

posted about 8 years ago
#25 how to die in The Dumpster

i can't read russian. does "agony kick in balls" kill you instantly or let you live longer so the pain lingers?

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Degrees of doneness in Off Topic

medium is great. if it's a really high quality steak then i might do medium-rare or rare.

also depends on the place i'm ordering from. some places cook medium like they do rare or well done

posted about 8 years ago
#9 thoughts on alternative mice to WMO/G400? in Hardware
umlflaccidI have heard pretty good things about this mouse, has got that WMO shape for the most part

looks sick as shit., do you anything about the sensor? Have u used it?

posted about 8 years ago
#5 thoughts on alternative mice to WMO/G400? in Hardware

wait really how is the g400s already discontinued? what is the alternative to g400 then? why are kinzu and kana crap? @zig I used ec2 evo for a while but I didn't like the shape and I got the white one which would get dirty very quickly. I did like the buttons tho.

I also didn't know it spun out at high speeds. I always stick to around 10 in/360 and I found that the higher sensitivity I use the worse I can control my aim with lighter mice. Maybe russian style would help but I'm not really comfortable with that

posted about 8 years ago
#1 thoughts on alternative mice to WMO/G400? in Hardware

since it's hard to get your hands on WMOs or G400's these days (is the g400s any good), what are some popular alternatives for old school players? I've heard kinzu is good as well as the kana?

I'm using the zowie za12 and it's a great mouse but I miss the WMO/g400 feel. The shape just isn't the same. Are there any mice with good sensors that have a similar shape? I might get a g400s if the cord issue is fixed and the sensor is good. Anyone know much about the kinzu and kana in terms of sensor and shape?

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Psychology questionnaire - once again... in Off Topic
Shooshshirtsnotshoesi don't get it. what's the point of this? What if you're someone who's never experienced 90% of these accidents? how does that information helpThe point is not experience of each one. Primary aim is to see differences in pain perception by each gender. The experience question is there to see if there will be a difference in pain perception from those who have experienced a situation or not. i.e if someone has experienced a broken collar bone will they rate the pain higher or lower than someone who has not experienced a broken collar bone.

Oh sorry I didn't see the end of the questionnaire. Okay so there are two cases where you can extract valuable information then? A: person experienced the incident and indicated what kind of pain they thought it was (useful for reflecting on pain reception of each gender) B: person didn't experience the incident but indicated the pain (useful for reflecting on empathy to pain for each gender?) Makes sense.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Psychology questionnaire - once again... in Off Topic

i don't get it. what's the point of this? What if you're someone who's never experienced 90% of these accidents? how does that information help

posted about 8 years ago
#4 TFT LCD worse than normal LCD? in Hardware

So should I work on getting one though? Like, will the 60hz player be at a disadvantage from a 120hz player always? What about CRTs? They have annoying upkeep from what I can tell but otherwise are better?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 TFT LCD worse than normal LCD? in Hardware

I'm feeling really self conscious plz respond. Am I missing out on that much by playing on a shitty monitor?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TFT LCD worse than normal LCD? in Hardware

anyone know if TFT LCD's are worse in terms of delay? I have noticed that my LG doesn't hit for like a half second even if the beam's directly on the person. I have this shitty monitor. I read on ESreality that TFT monitors have more delay? Can someone confirm/deny this claim?

Also, anyone here have experience playing on a TFT LCD at 60/75hz? I know it's not impossible to get good at a game without 120hz but I wonder how big of a difference it actually makes.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Good PC but low FPS in Q/A Help
aieraAMD processor suck

friend had a 8150 or 8350 and ran tf2 fine. i don't think it's because of his cpu because they're more or less the same architecture. i would mess around with settings in tf2. changing resolution, graphics, dx level etc and see if you're ever getting the fps u want

posted about 8 years ago
#57 how do u avoid tilting in Off Topic
Max_shirtsnotshoeswork on being less autistic/animal like. it'll do you wonders

edit: downvoting is counter-intuitive because you have no idea why you're downvoting
Or maybe you're not autistic or animal like if you tilt. People get flustered in real life and in video games, If you get upset in real life and are off your game does that make you autistic?

autistic not in the literal sense. being emotional is naturally a biological defect in these circumstances. it helps in other situations but in gaming you're better off trying to remove yourself emotionally. feelings are a distraction and a top player never 'feels' when he's truly focused.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 how do u avoid tilting in Off Topic

work on being less autistic/animal like. it'll do you wonders

edit: downvoting is counter-intuitive because you have no idea why you're downvoting

posted about 8 years ago
#66 What is the game that requires the most skill? in Other Games

yeah I'll try out the first one then. link to reddit if anyone cares

@#64 3s does look fun and i might give it a go but I think it'll be similar to melee in that the combos are kind of fixed in that there doesn't allow as much creativity as I want.

posted about 8 years ago
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