Tyrone and Mackey: I'd love to do that, but again, I need a way of getting in touch with them.
I could do like, Delpo and Nate Rivers together. I'd need to reach out to delpo, but getting Nate should be easy. Maybe put insom with that session as well.
Decimate: I can probably hook this up without much issue, possibly with Puff and/or someone else from the ducks or LiT.
Kaceytron, Wounded Stapler, Girlgamer Angel: I don't know who these people are, sorry. Can you give me more info on them?
Lange: I'd have to reach out to him, but I'd for sure be down.
Indust: For sure, I'd be down to interview basically anyone going to lan/from top teams. I'm definitely down to do interviews with marmaduke, giggggg (sorry doog, I don't know how many gs your name has), Dave_AC, and the others mentioned.
A couple ideas I've been sent via PM:
-Interview london calling and some of the other analysts/pred writers; could be an interesting look into a side of tf2 that we really haven't explored.
-Potentially interview some less liked/misunderstood members of the community, to get the real scoop. Could be like "The truth behind Dflame" or something.