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Signed Up February 6, 2014
Last Posted February 6, 2014 at 1:36 PM
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#4 lf Demo Mentor - I'm a newb in Mentoring

I suppose I will have to keep at it then :P I've already watched a bunch of replays, I will have to just try it and see how it goes.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 lf Demo Mentor - I'm a newb in Mentoring

Hello there, thanks for clicking on my thread!

I will tell you a bit about my TF2 self.

I have 380 hours on tf2 (acording to steam), 140 demoman hours, and I love all things demo! This is my first season in a 6v6 team on UGC Steel, and I feel like theres an awful lot I need to learn. I have done a handful of lobbies, I MGE probably about 2 hours a week, scrim twice a week with my team . My team is also new to 6v6, however most of them have 3-4,000 hours +

My main problem is positioning. I just don't know where I need to be, and usually end up playing too far back, not getting enough damage out, and just dieing when we get whiped at mid. Our team also sucks at pushes, me probably being the worst at pushing. We are much better at defending, and usually try to hold with uber and push back after they pop.

I can usually rollout at the same speed as the other demo, but once I get there I don't know what I should be doing.

I have a few .demo files I can give, including a replay of the whole team on badlands. I would love if somebody would invest time into watching the demos and giving me constructive feedback and what im doing wrong, what im doing right, what i need to change, what i need to stop doing, start doing etc...

Thanks again for reading this thread!

posted about 11 years ago