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Country Australia
Signed Up September 2, 2015
Last Posted September 27, 2024 at 8:26 PM
Posts 142 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.15
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Mouse HyperX Pulsefire Core
Keyboard Ducky One 2 Midnight TKS Cherry Mx Reds
Mousepad Qck +
Headphones audio technica ath-m50x
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 10
#2 cp_nile (5CP) in Map Discussion

this map rocks

posted 5 months ago
#1 name change in Requests

from skaz to skrachel

posted about a year ago
#64 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion



• Opened up choke to allow for more creative jumps.
• Fixed one sided hp/ammo packs.
• A few new spots around the map to allow for some interesting opportunities. Most notably the new platform in lobby to help hero shot into last.

• Yuh there is.
• New 2d skybox for those that turn off the 3d skybox.

I have probably not mentioned everything here, many of these changes were done over a long period of time when I felt like loading up hammer.

posted about a year ago
#62 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion
poy erm...

Should be fixed in latest version RC2a

posted about 2 years ago
#60 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion



Coupla thingos innit

• Added mini hp and ammo on last further forward to help defenders
• Added jump pad on mid to assist rotates
• Made ceiling flush in some areas for mobility
• Removed pimple on last for mobility
• Simplified lobby for mobility
• Lowered door into second and detailed
• 2 Medium hp in lobby now
• Removed the pocket area from choke
• More cover on last for def
• Crate near the back of second to help meds onto the high ground

• Skybox is not buggy
probs some other stuff too that im forgetting including details

everything is broken hang on

posted about 2 years ago
#59 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion

This is likely the last version of Mannbase where I go out of my way to update it. That doesn't mean it won't get future updates. If the map gets played in a league or receives sufficient feedback I will be more than happy to update it.


There are many small refinements and a few very large refinements. There is one change that might not be the best for competitive play (this being the back door to quake room being added back in), but it is a feature that to me is very key to Mannbase.
So here are the changes.

• Removed small ammo and HP pack red side second. Didn't realize this wasn't symmetrical, my bad.
• Adjusted the ramps up to the point in mid. I feel this improves movement in this area.
• Added back the back door to the quake room. Should help attacking into second from middle.
• Removed window in quake room. Hoped it would be used to sac into second but this was just a bad idea. Window was too small + scouts could just sit in there and deny soldiers.
• Split up lobby slightly. The wideness of lobby was always a complaint from players, this doesn't directly fix this but should make fights closer range.
• Moved one of the spawns doors at last back. Nerfs resup binds.
• Added a cart on last next to a wall. It's a tiny change, but should help attackers a tad.
• Removed no-builds on last.
• Flattened last slightly.

• Adjusted lighting in dark areas.
• Replaced brush details with props.
• Detailed shutter door frames.
• Removed the buggy textures mentioned above.
• Detailed various places all over the map.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 The Top 20 Oceanic Players of the Past Five Years : #20-#16 in News
lizrd-wizrdwheres alt?


posted about 2 years ago
#36 cool album covers/art in Music, Movies, TV

Get to Heaven

posted about 3 years ago
#17 Valve is getting in contact with Mod Devs in TF2 General Discussion
stephLess of a "Valve is getting in contact with mod devs" and more of a "mod devs reach out to valve and valve c&ds them immediately after being made aware of their existence because they are or were using stolen src code and or assets" lol

hasnt valve known about these projects for actual months, to the point where they were playing the mods in their studio

posted about 3 years ago
#7 koth_soot in Map Discussion

Really solid work here Spleep, liking what you've got so far.
The map in general does feel quite cramped especially the areas just before the point, I think if some of the routes were made longer and also wider it would feel a lot nicer. A few more displacements in the areas with a lot of height variance will hopefully smooth out the gameplay areas.

For example this area could do with a connecting displacement where my crosshair is:

Think this area is a little cramped, it's giving me this area from clearcut vibes. I think it works a lot better on clearcut however because of the length. There are also a couple cases where the staircases are quite steep.

This article is a pretty good resource on staircases. 1:1 stairs are ok but generally only want them sparingly, 1:2 is more preferable.

Keep it up, keen to see what else you put out. Really promising so far.

posted about 3 years ago
#55 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion

B19a - Gameplay Refinements

We back, just wanted to say a quick thank you to RGL and all the players for playtesting the map. I got a lot of great feedback from new faces :).

p.s. I'm probably going to forget a decent chunk of stuff. Again.


Gameplay Changes:
• Blocked off sightline on last from right side spawn (defender persp)
• Raised floor on last
• New window in Quake Room to prevent stalemates, should make sacing and aggressing easier.
• Re-added the flank on middle.

Also fixed up a bunch of issues both gameplay-related and graphics-related.

posted about 3 years ago
#53 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion

B19 - Preparations for RGL cup based on recent feedback

First want thank everyone for the excellent feedback I've received over the past month or so. The survey I put out into the ozfortress community really helped to give me an idea of how people saw the map. Which up until now I wasn't really sure.
Quite a few gameplay adjustments have been made and FPS has been improved.

There likely won't be a new version until after the RGL cup. So make sure you get your feedback in before then, however, if there is anything game-breaking I'll do my best to get it fixed.


Gameplay Changes:
• Middle has been redesigned slightly. Moved the ramp you walk up to mid further back so you get height earlier. Added boxes on the point for more cover to push up. The rock on the cliff has been removed.
• The flanks on the mid have been cut in half, stopping the enemy from getting into your flank. People didn't like these but I still wanted that staircase up to give attackers some height.
• Doorway in Quake Room that leads towards window room has been removed. Wanted to focus the fight a bit more and differentiate it from other maps.
• Last has been squished in slightly, this should help defenders force meds if they push in from the right side (defenders pov).
• Choke has been reduced in size. There are now some steel beams above choke so soldiers cannot jump to the moon (earth?) and get to the back of second. (Im not sure about this change because people liked it was easy to sac but tbh it was kind of OP)
• The ramps in and around choke were quite steep so I raised the floor a bit, you hopefully will feel like less of a dwarf in those areas now.
• Ledge just outside choke (second side) has been lowered.
• Health packs in window room, lobby, and second have been adjusted. (just the small ones)
• Moved some props around that offered cover.

FPS and Optimization:
• Lowered the amount that gets rendered on second when standing mid and vise versa.
• Asteroids in the skybox no longer cast shadows (this improved FPS with the 3d skybox on a decent amount for me)

posted about 3 years ago
#51 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion
turbochad69There are 'intermittent' missing textures on all of the pipes for me ( I have been scratching my head trying to figure out why they're sometimes missing but sometimes not and I can't figure it out.

I have found that the textures are more likely to be missing if I've loaded a different map before mannbase, and the textures always show up normal after a matsys reload like changing mat_specular or mat_phong.

huh, I haven't seen that issue with the map before, it's possible there is another map that uses those same pipes but has them slightly different? Do you know if it happens with all maps or one in particular? It's unlikely ill be able to fix it for B19, because I need to have it out in time for the rgl cup, but ill be able to fix for b19a/b20 whatever comes first

turbochad69I also have fps issues on this map, specifically bad fps when standing on 2nd looking towards mid or standing on mid looking towards 2nd, as if there's little to no occlusion going on between them. It's probably barely noticeable on non-toaster gpus though.

I've closed up the skybox a bit between second and middle so fps should be better in that case

posted about 3 years ago
#50 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion
iylymainly when looking tward the next points. i dont have a very good pc and barely run the classic 6s stuff at 144. and yeah ever since i downloaded the map the ground texture has a sheen of missing texture.

mat_bumpmap 1 will fix that many graphics cfgs do that, not an issue with the map.

posted about 3 years ago
#47 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion
iylyI am having issues running this map above 144 on a solo server and am having alot of missing texture issues. also imo i dont like the flank route on mid. i feel like the mid is honestly good without it and it will go unused.

Not really sure how you can be having missing texture issues. The map was just ran in an ozfortress cup and didn't get any complaints. I did however get a few complaints about FPS (however not as drastic as 144 on a solo server). The FPS issues will hopefully be fixed in B19 which will likely be out later today.

Are there any areas in particular where your fps drops especially low?

posted about 3 years ago
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