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Last Posted June 7, 2017 at 2:55 PM
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#53 How to make PugChamp better in TF2 General Discussion
  • Comp MM doesn't have a good ruleset and doesn't create quality games

True - but if no one uses the system, it's not likely to ever get fixed, as the Devs will just assume it's not a popular system and any changes to it could just be a waste of time. Using it frequently and submitting feedback daily is more likely to convince them that it is a valued feature, and worth the time and effort to improve.

  • TF2Center/Stadium makes no attempt to balance Pugs

TF2 Center actually has a balancing system (I think they refer to them as Advanced lobbies), which resorts both teams when both are full. I'm not sure how good it is at actually balancing teams, but it's not very popular. A lot of people like to play lobbies with friends, and that obviously doesn't guarantee you get the team or players you want.

  • PugChamp is great for high-level gameplay but doesn't allow for more than three pugs to be run at once
  • MixChamp is great for medium-level gameplay but starts immediately when all 12 roles are filled, so it doesn't really suit high-level pugs

After talking with someone I'm changing my comment on PugChamp. I thought the limit of three pugs at a time is due to the fact there are only 3 servers (which is the case), but, there's also an issue that not many people want to captain or play medic. One of the problems with the captain system, that I didn't see mentioned is that when there's a really good player captaining, it means any other potential captains also have to be really good - otherwise their team is at a disadvantage from the start. For instance, if a high level player like b4nny is a captain, and I wanted to captain against that person (keep in mind I'm considerably lower level), no matter how good a player I pick as my first choice, his team gets him automatically - in addition to whichever good players he picks. So I drag my own team down if I choose to captain against a better player, which deters me from captaining in this type of scenario.

As for MixChamp, another problem is that it's hard to find folks willing to play Medic at that level (the less cohesion a team has, the more the medic will suffer for it), and there's also only one server for MixChamp, so only one game can be active at a time. :(

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Medic LFT Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for more tryouts if anyone still needs a medic, although I know there's not much time left. =/

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Medic LFT Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bumping this. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Medic LFT Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm a medic, looking to join a low or mid Open team. Preferably I'd like to play with folks who want to take scrims and matches seriously and improve, and ideally are based on the west-coast. I'm generally online by 6pm Pacific time on weekdays, and after noon on weekends.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Too Many Open Players, Too Few Open Teams in TF2 General Discussion

Good idea, Slice!
Low/Mid Open Medic (or Low Open for Scout or Solly)

Anyone else wanting to try forming a new team, feel free to add me. I don't have any experience in ESEA, but I've played several seasons in UGC, so I'm not a complete newbie. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Medic or Solly LFT - Low / Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm also excellent at bumping threads! :D

posted about 8 years ago
#6 LFP low-open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Added for tryout as solly. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Medic or Solly LFT - Low / Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bumping again. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Medic or Solly LFT - Low / Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#1 Medic or Solly LFT - Low / Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Medic LFT Low or Low-Mid Open

First, a bit about me: People often mistake me for a piece of barbeque equipment, however, contrary to popular opinon, I'm not actually a 'grill'; I'm a 36-year old woman. I main medic (I'm open to switching my main to solly or scout, though I'm better at medic - on Med I'd be around Mid-Low Open, while on scout or solly I'd be better for Low Open), and I love video games & cats. At the same time, I really hate the stereotype that all women who play TF2 are medic mains, so please don't remind me I'm a walking stereotype and a hypocrite. =P

I take my gaming pretty seriously and would enjoy having teammates who do the same. I'm currently around Low/Low-Mid Open level, but I'd like to work my way to High Open by the end of the season.

The things I feel I need to work on most are my movement and melee dm. My goal is to be able to win melee fights more reliably as medic, and better control my damage surfing, to improve my overall survivability.

I live on the West coast, and I work full time, so I'm hoping to find a team that scrims sometime after 6:30pm PST (9:30pm EST). On average I spend about 40 hours a week playing TF2. Most of my comp TF2 experience is as a UGC HL Medic (I have over 2k lobbies on TF2center, most of which are HL), but I feel like 6s is more challenging, and will motivate me to improve more overall.

- skytl

posted about 8 years ago
#390 Global whitelist unveiled in News

I'm surprised Jarate's not banned if madmilk and the sydney sleeper are. But, overall it's great to hear there's a unified list now! :)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Medic LFT - Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello! I'm a former UGC HL medic returning after a few seasons' hiatus, and am looking to move into 6s. Most recently I've played at a mid-Silver level in HL, about 3 seasons ago, and have some experience in 6s, with 1 season of UGC Steel. I know the basics like buff order for rollouts, healing priorities, tracking ad & ubers. The things I need work on are my movement (I'm great at dodging, though), map knowledge (I'm still getting familiar with some of the 6s maps), and the overall 6s meta - I have the basics down, but I'm sure there's more advanced tactics that I just haven't worked out yet.

I live on the West coast and have a full time job, so my play hours are anytime after 10pm EST on weekdays, and all day on weekends. At the moment I'm having some computer issues this week (unfortunately), but they should be sorted out by next week as I'm trying to get my new PC up and running.

- skyttle

posted about 8 years ago