Pocket: broKing
Roamer: Hivemind
Demoman: Zambler
Medic: Killemdeader
Scout: Twinweapons
Scout: ??
Backups: Yeeegz, Multipoke
Yeeegz moved to backup because his internet is terrible. Need a scout who is open to changing his play-style and has strong DM. You are going to be playing with roamer on flank or with pocket on combo. You will be getting a large portion of heals and need to be able to survive mids and transition fights.
You will have pretty big shoes to fill. We demo review when necessary, we will be scrimming 3-4 days a week, and we like to have fun. We don't off-class normally and we will be doing more fighting than stalemating.
If you want to play 185 scout and shoot people try out for the team. If you want to play sniper and spy and not get involved in ubers then dont bother trying out. We have had a history of turbulent roster issues and I am hoping to find a player who will not add to this problem.
Team Goals: make playoffs, improve, and have fun
Scrim time: 8 or 9 EST - 10 or 11 EST