wafflebYou can't really compare being LGBT with obesity. If it really upsets people to be made fun of when they're obese, they can lose weight. If you're gay or whatever, there is shit all you can do about people making fun of you, thus there is a cause to fight for.
I am merely pointing out that judging and making fun of someone for their looks (obesity) is no different than judging them for their sexual preference. You don't know why someone is obese. Maybe it's their fault entirely. Maybe their genetics make it very tough to lose weight, but very easy to gain weight. Maybe they're a closet homosexual or they have gender dysphoria and their brain's method of managing the stress and depression is to eat. Maybe they are physically unable to do the work required to lose that weight.
The idea that "they can just lose weight if they don't like being made fun of" is complete idiocy. Sure, they could probably work at it and eventually get to a point where they aren't fat. Maybe they're already working on it. Or, perhaps it's just not that simple. When you are overweight, you typically have less energy and physical tasks are more difficult. You, as a person who has never been obese, have probably never experienced the complications of being obese. Do you just blindly think that all obese people simply don't care about their weight and, as a result, are always obese? I would suggest the contrary. Most of them are well-aware of their situation and would gladly change it if it were simple. Unfortunately, losing that weight is much harder than you currently imagine. Maybe they can't stand being seen in public because people always make fun of them. Maybe they have respiratory or heart problems that prevent them from being able to exercise the amount necessary to lose the weight. There are a million factors that you aren't considering.
You say I can't compare LGBT to obesity, but I will do just that. In your untrained eyes, obesity is caused by laziness and an unwillingness to exercise. "They can just lose the weight if they don't like being made fun of," you say. This is like saying that if you have gender dysphoria, you can just "realize you were born a man and live with it instead of taking hormones and going through other transitions to become more like a woman" to prevent people from treating you differently for being transgendered. Maybe instead of spiraling into suicidal depression, GD sufferers should just suck it up and live the life they were dealt. Sure, it's possible. But is it easy? Considering you're transitioning to look more like a female, I'll assume not.
The bottom line is: despite your assumptions, you don't know why they are the way they are, and yet you judge and make fun of them--all while proclaiming that anyone who judges you for your sexuality is in the wrong. Are you really contesting the hypocrisy in that?