things are looking dire here if fygg is a B tier shitposter
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SteamID64 | 76561198058617608 |
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Signed Up | February 20, 2014 |
Last Posted | July 26, 2024 at 11:01 PM |
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if y'all are still getting cooked by him by the time he hits mid-late 30s, even with the help of people half his age by then, y'all have no hope
does anyone here have the clips of aim playing doki doki literature club
mostly looking for the sayori room one but i remember there were other good ones too
Me when game i've played for 8k hours is slightly different and i have to adapt to it: "Ahhhh! So Angry!"
darn #1
can i just say that everyone constantly says how miserable the life of the soldier is in modern tf2 but whenever people realize theres something that can make their life less miserable (cow mangler, spoon, wallbugs, etc) there's always a discussion to ban it
i disliked the cow mangler for many reasons but the other 2 there are counterplay for both, people are either just bad or don't want to see change in the game they've played for more than half a decade
for me these are just normal moments....
the only correct way to do a video introduction to comp tf2 is to recite long term nuclear waste warning messages
DAE ESEA BETTER THAN RGL????? upfrags to the right^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
can you do this mid season instead
just to ruin DM for an entire season
i think it would be really funny
i'll add 125 buckaridoos to the pool if you do
pluribis vs rgl main
congrats to the argentina for winning xenophobia saturday