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Signed Up July 31, 2016
Last Posted June 6, 2024 at 3:28 AM
Posts 241 (0.1 per day)
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#48 Vatican City MGE hacker admin. in Off Topic

Hey look empty space, I wonder what will go here in the future...
Who knows? It is 12:30 AM and I'm finally learning what it is like to have friends and enjoy the time I have with them. No idea why I am realising this as they all sleep and I sit here typing this rethinking everything listening to anime openings and some chill music.

Heh, I guess I finally found meaning in my life through the least expected way....

this reads like a copypasta

posted about 7 years ago
#46 Vatican City MGE hacker admin. in Off Topic
DrVinylScratchjust one is here lmao, and none of the admins are furries
also i have a folder named lithium on my desktop and one named lmao box does that make me a hacker too?
i mean i left tf2 for a month cause of vacation stuff came back and was asked to play silver scout when i dont fucking main scout so time away does things i guess

i didn't think you could've missed the point any harder but you did, somehow
also i don't see what the last part is trying to prove other than you trying to flex your probably amazing results as ugc silver scout

posted about 7 years ago
#42 Vatican City MGE hacker admin. in Off Topic
DrVinylScratchxD false quotes good job m8
1 he was against far worse players
2 it is literally just a folder named that, since we cant see any contents or anything from the actual source cant tell what is actually in it, also if it was it, it would prob have a version number
and yes there are files in it, i just have the preload disabled
3 you dont know what he did in that break, couldve played other games, on alts, etc

1. that's completely irrelevant to how he plays
2. the fact that he had anything named "lithium" on his desktop at all is fishy, doesn't need a "version number" to figure out what it is
3. yeah let me quit a game for a good period of time just to go on an alt and play to get better
also playing other games for a long period of time does not make you better at tf2
glad the cancerous brigade of brony/furry/weeaboo vatican city admins are all here to defend eachother!!

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Vatican City MGE hacker admin. in Off Topic

imagine being so autistic you cheat in UGC steel and then quit the game when you get caught

Show Content
then come back as a degen weeaboo only to get caught again
posted about 7 years ago
#65 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion

how about we just let this clearly autistic 13 year old act like a retard as long as he wants and don't give him attention
a simple ban request with a little proof is all it takes, we dont need threads to let this kid kid feel good about himself

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Chicago LAN? in LAN Discussion

even something kinda tiny would be cool

posted about 7 years ago
#196 worst steam profile in Off Topic
EdgyEddyThat's why it's call a warning, it's before you even make one move.

pls stop shitting up the thread with this reddit shit thx

posted about 7 years ago
#189 worst steam profile in Off Topic

Pyro main with an internet girlfriend, the profile pic should say enough
isn't it that teemo meemo retard or whatever that meme was about?

he's literally just some retard pub youtuber
i don't expect any less

posted about 7 years ago
#63 NBA Playoffs in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#17 massive brain swelling with continuous knowledge in The Dumpster

why would anyone read this shit

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Is it safe to invite people to a local server? in TF2 General Discussion

it would make your public IP visible which you can't do shit with anyway

posted about 7 years ago
#38 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion
frkshwIn this case, I'm confused, the guy who cheats on the dm server does not sound like him, the one I know of at least, bolin is the "special" one, the other guy might just be his brother, the toxic one who hacks on dm servers and we made a thread about him.

they're the same exact person

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Pyro Update Predictions/Desires in TF2 General Discussion
thesqrtminus1smokeegunslinger nerfedi cant shoot a tiny stationary 100 health stationary object either man i sure feel your pain

it was a prediction not a "PLS NERF GUNZLINGER VALVE!!" post
sorry your feelings get so hurt over this kind of stuff

posted about 7 years ago
#3 whoever owns the [As] MGE server, plz ban merlow in TF2 General Discussion

his youtube channel is pretty epic though

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Favorite dish to make in Off Topic

sloppy joes

posted about 7 years ago
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