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Last Posted July 1, 2020 at 4:38 AM
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#35 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#92 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
burnopolsmokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...
south american outcast mad at world because no friends due to being retarded

nice english pipi, i ain't gon diss you cause messing with illiterates is kinda unfair. try harder :*

posted about 5 years ago
#88 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
stroggsmokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...

Smokio my son you go around being toxic to everyone and then get mad when they call you out for it, this thread is about corruption not your personal issues with someone online.

strogg i don't even know if you're a girl or a little kid in the first place so it's impossible for me to take you seriously. when you grow up and your hormones stop messing w your "im a bad ass" attitude, maybe you'll understand why i'm exposing your "leader" too. from what i see, all hypocrites roll together....

posted about 5 years ago
#75 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
wanderlustsmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
im sure that's the same ddosing, selling medals, and generally being a prick in the south american community. as well, im not sure what country you're from, and honestly don't care, but in Argentina saying that really doesn't mean anything, as we take it with comedy. If ratawar, or anyone in this country, wanted to "reventarte el culo a patadas", we wouldn't say it in that manner.

you can take it as whatever u "nekos kawaiiissss" want to, but don't be pointing out at people when you've been doing the exact same thing, after all (serious or not) it was a threat. don't try n step up for kiddies that wouldn't do the same for you if things were different, maybe you'll regret it one day. s2

posted about 5 years ago
#74 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
ratawarsmokioalso, if you wanna try and have a valid statement, read what this lil kid posted. it's not bad at all and if your brain cells lock together for the first time ever, you will understand the background message (kiddos from both "sides" that move in small non significant groups arguing about who's better @ the game and behaving like dying fetuses who lack normal human interaction skills. main reasons of why s.a scene is non existent). im argentinian and i don't fuck w none of them (arg, brasil, chile) i stand by myself. before anyone tries to claim that i'm biased towards X side
Before addressing the rest of the topics that have arised I would like to express my confusion as to why this (Argentinian) guy has randomly decided to take an out-of-context screenshot from the Legacy Hub Discord server and attack me from there without showing what it took to get there and what happened afterwards. I would try to reason with you but just by reading that you try to disqualify a member's opinion just by his nationality I am certain that discussing with you will be an utter joke. Whoever is interested in seeing how this same guy tried to insult me calling me "Peruvian" through Discord, hit me up. And for you, Smokio, whenever you decide to set your facts and your mind straight, you can hit me up on Discord as well. ratawar#5292ratawarsmokio
a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time".

if you wanna be neo superman and step up for the "weak", face the aftermath, you got exposed too. also, if you wanna be a streamer/public figure you should try n be a bit more rational, i thought that by writing this "article" you had already figured it out, but it seems like you didn't. and finally, don't try and lie about it being out of context cause it wasn't, and you know you stepped out of nowhere, the screenshot is there to prove it. i couldn't care less if it was serious or not (cause who would be scared LOL) it's a threat, you did the exact same thing. hipócritas no.
posted about 5 years ago
#35 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
concordesmokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...
I see we're resorting to calling out our nationalities. Oh well. If hypocrisy can't be tolerated, then most of us can be called guilty. While I'm not from South America, I speak for myself as a member of the community here. I have a passion for this group of people and the game we play, I want to see them to overcome these problems. And I know I am supporting those who have the same passion as well. If you're not cool with that, then agree to disagree. To each of our own.

you can support whatever u feel like, i don't care lol. but don't try and give me an L when you can't even play in south american servers and mostly, when you don't know shit about how these fetuses behave.

posted about 5 years ago
#34 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
concordesmokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now. They're trying to expose the horrible people that ruins the experiences for the competitive community, yet you're here making it about you.

also, if you wanna try and have a valid statement, read what this lil kid posted. it's not bad at all and if your brain cells lock together for the first time ever, you will understand the background message (kiddos from both "sides" that move in small non significant groups arguing about who's better @ the game and behaving like dying fetuses who lack normal human interaction skills. main reasons of why s.a scene is non existent). im argentinian and i don't fuck w none of them (arg, brasil, chile) i stand by myself. before anyone tries to claim that i'm biased towards X side

posted about 5 years ago
#30 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
concordesmokioconcordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...

posted about 5 years ago
#27 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
concordesmokio said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite

posted about 5 years ago
#25 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-

posted about 5 years ago