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Signed Up August 4, 2012
Last Posted October 26, 2014 at 12:32 PM
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#8 g400 or g400s in Hardware

g400 seems wayyy more likely than g400s to get the disconnect problem, I would recommend g400s just off that. Mouse is practically useless when the disconnects start.

posted about 10 years ago
#128 ESEA-O Grand Finals: Quantum Flux vs. BUDSQUAD in Events

a forfeit win would be a pretty fitting end to this season

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Simple Chemistry Question in Off Topic

There aren't 4 moles of hydrogen in a CH4 molecule, but there is a ratio of of carbon to hydrogen in methane. For every carbon, you have 4 hydrogens. So, for 1 mol of carbon, you have 4 moles of hydrogen in 1 mole of methane.

6.4g CH4 * 1mol CH4/16g CH4 * 4mol H/1mol CH4 = 1.6 mol H

posted about 11 years ago
#559 It begins! in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#33 gift giving guessing game in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#119 Suspended for being a bystander to cyberbullying in Off Topic

half of my electronics engineering class and i got suspended for a week because we ended up shorting the electricity in the room because we all stuck capacitors in the outlets

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Favorite Highlander Map/Gamemode in TF2 General Discussion
posted about 11 years ago
#191 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
Regarding ETF2L vs UGC, I hear more about ETF2L than UGC. Based off this thread alone, assuming participation in the league would require interactions with an admin, I'd go with ETF2L and deal with unknowns rather than a person who, to me, seems a bit hardheaded.

I hate that people don't realize that Hildreth (etf2l admin) is more of an obnoxious twat than Infinite and is making people like him by making fun of Infinite. Well played, Hildreth.

Also ts is planning on continuing with a slightly new roster with some excellent new additions assuming everything goes accordingly. Look for ts to be just as strong next season as they were this season.

posted about 12 years ago
#16 Vocal Dubstep/D&B Reccomendations? in Off Topic

adventure club, patrick reza, zeds dead/omar linx victor EP,

posted about 12 years ago
#20 tf2 crashing computer in Q/A Help

I used to have this problem too, but with an ATI 5770. I used to think it was just my power supply, but apparently not! Mine would happen maybe once every few weeks, but my computer screen would just randomly go black and crash. Luckily, it left me with the ability to talk in mumble long enough to tell my team that TF2 fucked me again.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 Soldiers using the Black Box - fill me in? in TF2 General Discussion

You don't get 15hp per player hit you just get 15hp if you hit anyone.
edit: jk apparently it really is 15 x whatever you hit

posted about 12 years ago
#39 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethJust want to point out my team seems to be the only one in the top 10 of Platinum (other than bfl) than don't have an invite player on our roster and we could recruit some or form a team with some.

ever heard of bonus?

posted about 12 years ago
#8 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion
effort did you ever watch a HL match when b4nny and cyzer played?

yeah, they still lost

posted about 12 years ago