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Signed Up February 14, 2013
Last Posted July 8, 2015 at 5:49 PM
Posts 261 (0.1 per day)
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#140 Suspended for being a bystander to cyberbullying in Off Topic

Once at recess we found a dirty needle so we told a teacher. I had a small cut on my arm, so they assumed I was doing heroin and called my parents and asked them to test me.

Also, we were playing some review game in life science grade 8. The teacher separated the class into 2 groups, all the know-it-all tryhard kids on one side, and my friends and myself on the other. We were taking the game very lightly and still winning, despite them trying their hearts out. We started taunting them and a couple of kids were on the verge of tears. A friend threw a paper airplane and hit a kid in the leg, but he was so upset and desperate for us to lose that he screamed "MY EYE!!" The friend who threw the plane got ISS.

posted about 11 years ago
#114 Suspended for being a bystander to cyberbullying in Off Topic

One time I had to print some papers for an English assignment. I went to the tech lab and asked the print however many packets. When I hear packet I usually assume more than one sheet of paper. By the time I printed about 50 sheets, the teacher got up and refilled the paper, having no issue. By the time I finished it was about 80 sheets of paper and she threw a fit. I had to pay for a new ink cartridge and I got detention.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Suspended for being a bystander to cyberbullying in Off Topic

I got ISS for cursing on facebook 2 years ago

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Halloween in Off Topic

If older people come to my door in costume I'll give them candy but there is this group of 20 somethings that tries this same "it's for my sister" bullshit every year and I always just tell them, get your sister and bring her and I will give it to her

posted about 11 years ago
#7 huh check that out in TF2 General Discussion

would've been good

posted about 11 years ago
#10 My Custom Platinum T-Shirts in TF2 General Discussion

true superfan

posted about 11 years ago
#8 definitely does not belong here in Off Topic

ay girl u want sum fuk?

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Free civ 5 or mafia 2 in Off Topic

I submitted last night around midnight EST and got the "didn't vote" glitch but I assumed I would just wait, is it too late since they ran out before I received it?

Nevermind just got it.

posted about 11 years ago
#56 depression in Off Topic
smileyyyyykirbysmileyyyyyremedy2sy_morphiendKhaki2sy_morphiendweed was the best thing that ever happened to me as far as depression goes

I'm being 100% serious, it has seriously positively impacted my life in areas where depression had previously torn it down.
I think marijuana has a good chance of worsening depression

drugs are bad, feelings are worse
relying on drugs to not be depressed is a very bad idea, you arnt dealing with your depressing you're just masking the feeling

weed isn't some hardcore drug it helps with social anxiety and is a valid treatment for a considerate number of diseases

smoke some good weed and nothing is gonna happen to you, it isn't addictive it just relaxes you

He's not necessarily denying that. He's denying weed as a permanent solution.

but weed can be a permanent solution or until he starts feeling better, you don't need to smoke everyday just weekends or when you are feeling down

When you're clinically depressed you're always "feeling down" and being stoned all the time is not a good alternative.

posted about 11 years ago
#130 Personality Types in Off Topic

Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(62%) Thinking(62%) Perceiving(22)%

posted about 11 years ago
#15 depression in Off Topic
RenhetIf you aren't medicated already, I would recommend that you give it a try. It isn't for everybody but I have had great results with Sertraline (SSRI). I almost feel normal sometimes, whereas before medication I would sleep for large portions of the day, cry for no reason and become easily upset by almost everything, in addition to that lack of drive to do even the things I like. It isn't a miracle drug and there's a reasonable adjustment period when you begin medication, but it can be well worth it if you can find the drug that works for you.

Having a hobby that makes you feel productive and proud of yourself is also a great aid. It could be anything, as long as it makes you happy.

I personally did not enjoy sertraline, too many unpleasant side effects and not enough results

posted about 11 years ago
#178 America in Off Topic
Toaster? lol

Hm, you're Canadian, so therefore all Canadians are 12 year old racist internet trolls? No. I find it really funny that you posted that "All Americans like to make sweeping generalizations" what a fucking joke

posted about 11 years ago
#19 your favorite place to buy pizza in Off Topic

living in new york has me spoiled, these local places are top notch

posted about 11 years ago
#13 What music do you game to? in Off Topic

Classical music. Soothing, no lyrics.

posted about 11 years ago
#134 Breaking bad in Off Topic

Fucking commercials tho

posted about 11 years ago
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