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Signed Up August 2, 2014
Last Posted August 2, 2014 at 1:21 PM
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#927 yahud in Customization

Alright, so, I fixed the harsh loading background color. I'm not sure where in the hud files it's referenced so I just made two replacement VTFs with the default grey from the hud (R28 G28 B28). If anyone desperately needs a different color I might be persuaded to make some (though its really easy to do yourself also).

forgot link to my replacements (replace the two in "...\materials\console")

posted about 10 years ago
#926 yahud in Customization
NeinthwhayayKanecoSorry if this has been answered before, just trying your hud for the first time and it is really great...

I love FLV version, only not the loading/main menu screen because they are too bright/harsh on the eyes, is there a way to change the main menu and loading menus to the ones of 5MD version?
You can edit the "Flavor" entry in the clientscheme to make it darker.

How to change the colour of this?

I also registered because I was having this exact problem. It's an issue with the image used for the loading screen "background_upward.vtf" or "background_upward_widescreen.vtf" as far as I can tell. I'm not sure exactly which implementation of them is causing it though, I haven't looked through all the scripts etc. for instances of it being used. I'll try to find them and report back if I do.

posted about 10 years ago
#925 yahud in Customization
AmirBnkComputerFrom now on I will be calling my version of yahud CPUHUD. If you want updates, join my steam group: "There isn't a GitHub Page here."

Registered just to say I found the github, don't know how he got that link but here is cpuhud;

posted about 10 years ago