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Country United States
Signed Up January 22, 2013
Last Posted March 4, 2015 at 4:01 PM
Posts 142 (0 per day)
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#11 Free mumble - claim your channels in TF2 General Discussion

I'd immensely interested in scoring a channel from you. Can't seem to add you so assuming your friend's list might be full.

Thanks again for your generosity!

posted about 10 years ago
#74 Christmas Presents in Off Topic

Having money for once, got the following for peeps. Bro = Grand Theft Auto V, How to Tame Your Dragon 2, and a pair of ray-bans. Sis = Sennheiser 598, an Otto for iPhone 5, and too many books. Mom = Mackbook Pro. 2nd Family = Star Trek Catan, a bunch of wiz dice with Royal Crown, a couple of nerf guns.

Myself? An A40+, 2DS with 3+4 random games, a Logitech G90, QCK Heavy, a lot of gift cards, and something else (uncle hinted a fleshlight, hentai, or an used condom...)

posted about 10 years ago
#943 It begins! in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#186 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic

Voogru and eXo for a while then Slaughterhouse and er, they mostly died off except on certain days. Good peeps I knew and still talk to.

posted about 10 years ago
#80 TF2 player internet speed? in Hardware

Sigh. Can we all get some fiber love please?

posted about 10 years ago
#143 Coolest Alias in TF2 in Off Topic

Fuck my alias.

yes, i thought my name was completely original until i learned about rap.

edit - wait, is it rap? I don't know

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Windows 8.1 and TF2 / Steam in Q/A Help

Run Windows 8 (no 8.1) with an app called Start Windows 8. You'll get the best of both worlds. At least from what I'm experiencing so far.

posted about 10 years ago
#62 Games for kids in Other Games

This game was the shit when I was in elementary. Still is.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Process demo - fastest viable rollout in Videos

Ballsy yes but what if you had a fast roamer with you? A fast roamer + ballsy demo = 2 on 1? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Wait. What if you had this going on with both demos and roamers? NEW PROCESS META?!

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Regret in Off Topic

I regret not playing competitive TF2 for almost a year and a half.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Which headset is better in Hardware

Neither. Buy a decent headphone + a microphone preferably this one...

posted about 10 years ago
#52 Do you PUG? Why/Why Not? in TF2 General Discussion

Back when TF2Lobby was "decent" and had somewhat competitive players. Since TF2Center came out, I'm hoping the same. Just really wished peeps use mumble more. I hop onto TF2Center whenever I've the chance so I can pug with decent guys. Definitely better alternative than waiting a long, long time in tf2mix.

PUGs are okay if played in a competitvely fun manner. I rather get dunk'd on than to see 3-4 different off-class and we proceed to stomp on them then bs happens like the server "disconnecting."

posted about 10 years ago
#105 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion

Yo, whoever is lives in Seattle or somewhat close to it, I'll fight you. Tomorrow. SkyCity restaurant. Space Needle. 12 o'clock. Bring yo gunboats if needed.

posted about 11 years ago
#112 Best person you have been on a team with? in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty much all the teammates I've managed throughout the years... but if I had to pick...

In terms of skill: *KENNY* talented son of a gun who've been with me since the very beginning...

In terms of joy and delivering the comebacks of great porportions: Gintoki

posted about 11 years ago
#5 BlackHUD in Customization

Hi, could you implement Fog's custom crosshairs v3? <- Here it is.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

posted about 11 years ago
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