hoppin on that 17 train
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SteamID64 | 76561197991112914 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:30847186] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:15423593 |
Country | Canada |
Signed Up | September 6, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 18, 2018 at 10:22 PM |
Posts | 93 (0 per day) |
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By no means was it a perfect film, it had it's issues. But Snyder took a risk with this movie by doing his own portrayal and it worked out just fine. Not as good as The Dark Knight, but better than The Avengers/Iron Man 3 IMO.
I thought the pacing was a little awkward but I really enjoyed it, if you've read any of the comics you'd see that they pretty much grasped what previous depictions of Superman haven't. Reeves is still #1, but I thought Cavill did a great job. Hopefully they expand on the characters for the sequel.
crespispammy-I went through audio wizard and all that, nothing works. mic works fine in game but not in mumble. played with all the properties in sound but still nothing.
Silly question but I have to be sure.
In mumble, go to configure>settings and make sure that the advanced box is checked.
Then, in audio input, make sure the "device" you have selected is the mic you want. If you don't see it in there, quit mumble, unplug your mic, plug it back in, and restart mumble, and check there again.
well, I'm an idiot! works now, thanks!
I went through audio wizard and all that, nothing works. mic works fine in game but not in mumble. played with all the properties in sound but still nothing. I see the bar move up in audio wizard but no sound
(SourceTV) Avv : up against shitty amerifags it's not hard to look good
got destroyed with pipes on goldrush by the same guy over and over, made my name spammy mcspammerson, and it just shortened along the way
tranchemusicIsn't Galaxy just Brands' new alt?
For that matter, isn't Cure just Spammy?
damn dude, you really cracked the case!