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Signed Up February 26, 2017
Last Posted February 22, 2022 at 1:19 AM
Posts 4 (0 per day)
#40 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic
Setsuldippidynow ur willing to defend perfection of all ppl when an admin acts a little out of pocket.You see, I'm 90% sure this was cut to make virgil look worse.

This is completely orthogonal to perfection probably flinging just as much shit in the parts that were cut.
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I only used like 10 minutes of this but if you wanna watch the uncut version here it is
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You have the most pathetic trashtalk Ive seen in tf2.
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Here is some juicy drama. Thanks to Wg Alfa for spreading this information but paddie has been trying/succeeded to bill cosby tf2 players at lans.
posted about 3 years ago
#27 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic
dippidymaybe im just getting owned and this is just a really unfunny meme but its insane that ppl think virgil is ultimately at fault in this situation. all u mouth breahters are so quick to rush and shit on RGL that now ur willing to defend perfection of all ppl when an admin acts a little out of pocket.
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Let me clarify, I fuckin hate both sides. Both virgil and perfection are annoying as fuck. That's why I purposely included the parts where perfection is acting like an autistic moron. I am not defending him but I guess I shouldve make it clearer
charisthis is such low tier shitty drama, like legit maybe highschool level or below. theres so much nothingness here that we all are pretending she said 'dog' and not 'job' and its even sadder ExposedBullet spent time out of his life transcribing it purposefully incorrectly, rendering it, uploading it to his alt because he is scared. truly, truly pathetic.
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90% of tf2 drama is like that because we are playing a dead video game????? I am sorry I didnt exposed a pedo/rapist this time around. I made this video because I thought it was dumb how virgil goes from trash talking, to muting, to using her admin card. Also yea I am super scared
Walrexim just happy that we gamers can still congregate in online forums and degrade women after all these years

legendary take
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I didnt want this video to be like an accident of "woman gaming" but rather a case where virgil is just legit going out of pocket for a retard that is not worth anyone's time.
SetsulIirc RGL bans black people for using the n-word so shouldn't it also ban women for using "bitches"?
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they banned safrix and aim for like a couple of days????
posted about 3 years ago
#1 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic

posted about 3 years ago