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Signed Up March 21, 2013
Last Posted May 16, 2018 at 5:40 PM
Posts 274 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity
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#27 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulstabbyIf a user has Raw Input disabled, then their mouse movement is being determined by the Windows Desktop mouse cursor, which operates pixel by pixel on a 2D plane. Pixel Skipping certainly exists for the Windows mouse cursor, and will occur if the user has their Windows sensitivity set higher than default. If Raw Input is disabled, and the Windows mouse cursor is experiencing pixel skipping, the problem will correspondingly manifest itself in TF2 (i.e. "exist").Wrong.
TF2 does not use windows desktop pixels for the rotation counts (no game should).
Depending on the ingame sensitivity the minimum step that corresponds to the number of counts in one desktop pixel could be 1 ingame pixel or 13.245 ingame pixels or 0.0045212 ingame pixels.

Also if if corresponds to 1.1 ingame pixels then you will simply turn in 1.1 pixel increments, without skipping any pixels in between.
Pixel skipping doesn't exist.

I think you misunderstand me. Pixel skipping exists on the Windows Desktop, and the mouse input in TF2 is based on the Windows Desktop cursor if m_rawinput is '0'.

SetsulstabbyThe "2.7182" number comes from me doing the following with the equations I found courtesy of this site and its "Useful DPI Calculator":

Here are the relevant equations:
Real Sensitivity ("i"): 360 / (m_yaw * DPI * TF2sensitivity)
Useful DPI: (pi * Horizontal Resolution) / (i * tan(FOV / 2))

Here's what I did with them:
1) I inputed my settings into the "Real Sensitivity" calculator:
360/(.022 m_yaw * 9050 DPI * 1.3 TF2sensitivity) = 1.3908743190511148
I won't check the actual numbers.
But setting the sensitivity via DPI? Come on.
stabby2) I calculated the useful DPI for a 1920 resolution, 90 degree FOV, and ~1.3" Real Sensitivity
(pi * 1920) / (1.391 * tan(90/2)) = 4336.738274819446

3) I calculated the TF2sensitivity that I would need to use to keep my "Real Sensitivity" the same if using "Useful DPI":

360 / (y * d * s) = 1.3908743190511148
360 / (.022 * 4336.738274819446 * s) = 1.3908743190511148
s = 2.71286834

2.7128 is the sensitivity that corresponds to a maximum useful DPI with a horizontal resolution of 1920 and an FOV of 90.
So are you using 4336.738274819446 DPI now? If yes I'd like to know how you set that.
If not then it's not "pixel perfect". With 9050 DPI and 1.3 ingame sensitivity you'll instead turn by 0.47919759942756309392265193370166 center pixels per count (all other pixels are different). Literally unplayable.
Now imagine what would happen with 2.8 ingame sensitivity. 1.0321179064593666638334041648959 pixels per count. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE.
stabbyBy all means, critique my math, the equations/the site I'm working with, or how I'm approaching the question. My hope is that the OP's question can actually be answered, not that I'm right.The question is pointless and the answer is useless.

No mouse will allow non-integer DPI steps anyway, but if you can't set that then one count will translate to something like 1.0004 pixels of 0.9997 pixels, making the limit even more arbitrary and pointless.
It just has to opposite effect because non-native DPI steps fuck up everything.

No, I use 9050 DPI. I was showing my math with what you're referring to, in order to demonstrate where the 2.7128 number was derived from.

gemmstabbyCorrect--and *because* DPI is irrelevant to the question, we should be able to provide a definite numerical answer (if we know resolution and FOV).

Once we've established what the "maximum in-game sensitivity" for a given FOV/resolution is, an individual can then adjust their DPI around whatever that sensitivity value may be to achieve their preferred inches/360.
SetsulBut setting the sensitivity via DPI? Come on.
but also there ISN'T a definitive answer. it's a sliding scale and it'll differ depending on what an individual prefers (if they can even perceive changes properly at that extreme). and if there was, why on earth would you want to be right on the edge of what's technically the highest ingame you can have? it makes no sense

if you want to give yourself the highest fidelity in a perfect world you would use a tiny ingame and a big DPI, but as setsul said big DPIs are just fudged numbers and some mice become less accurate at higher dpis

literally, just keep your dpi within reasonable bounds (400-1600 is pretty normal) and set your sens to whatever you want. if you change dpi from 400 to 1600 and change your sens to keep inches/360 the same, I guarantee you wont notice any difference

and if you're using non-raw input or 0.1"/360 or fov toggles or a fidget spinner for a mouse or some shit you've got bigger things to worry about

The question has been answered, I think. You wouldn't *want* to have the highest in-game sensitivity, you might simply want to know whether to use your mouse's lowest or highest native DPI step, and lowest might put you above that "highest" sens.

posted about 6 years ago
#20 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
gemmstabbyI believe what he is asking is "What is the highest in-game sensitivity setting in TF2 that will not limit the granularity of my rotation?"

There has to be a concrete answer to this; like an actual number that can be given based on the user's DPI, display resolution, and settings like accel/FOV/m_rawinput. Saying simply "don't use anything stupid" strikes me as lazy and unhelpful. There's an actual answer to this actual question.

dpi is irrelevant in this question,

Correct--and *because* DPI is irrelevant to the question, we should be able to provide a definite numerical answer (if we know resolution and FOV).

Once we've established what the "maximum in-game sensitivity" for a given FOV/resolution is, an individual can then adjust their DPI around whatever that sensitivity value may be to achieve their preferred inches/360.

gemmthere isn't a definitive answer to this, literally just "dont use anything stupid" and you won't notice any skipping.

There has to be a definitive point at which "anything" becomes "stupid".

posted about 6 years ago
#16 High Sensitivity in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulPixel skipping is not a thing. It doesn't exist.

If a user has Raw Input disabled, then their mouse movement is being determined by the Windows Desktop mouse cursor, which operates pixel by pixel on a 2D plane. Pixel Skipping certainly exists for the Windows mouse cursor, and will occur if the user has their Windows sensitivity set higher than default. If Raw Input is disabled, and the Windows mouse cursor is experiencing pixel skipping, the problem will correspondingly manifest itself in TF2 (i.e. "exist").

Most users choose to enable Raw Input, which does not utilize the Windows cursor, so this is a bit of a moot point--but the question in the OP is a practical one with a definite answer, and the problem "pixel skipping" presents is relevant to it. I believe what he is asking is "What is the highest in-game sensitivity setting in TF2 that will not limit the granularity of my rotation?"

There has to be a concrete answer to this; like an actual number that can be given based on the user's DPI, display resolution, and settings like accel/FOV/m_rawinput. Saying simply "don't use anything stupid" strikes me as lazy and unhelpful. There's an actual answer to this actual question.

The "2.7182" number comes from me doing the following with the equations I found courtesy of this site and its "Useful DPI Calculator":

Here are the relevant equations:
Real Sensitivity ("i"): 360 / (m_yaw * DPI * TF2sensitivity)
Useful DPI: (pi * Horizontal Resolution) / (i * tan(FOV / 2))

Here's what I did with them:
1) I inputed my settings into the "Real Sensitivity" calculator:
360/(.022 m_yaw * 9050 DPI * 1.3 TF2sensitivity) = 1.3908743190511148

2) I calculated the useful DPI for a 1920 resolution, 90 degree FOV, and ~1.3" Real Sensitivity
(pi * 1920) / (1.391 * tan(90/2)) = 4336.738274819446

3) I calculated the TF2sensitivity that I would need to use to keep my "Real Sensitivity" the same if using "Useful DPI":

360 / (y * d * s) = 1.3908743190511148
360 / (.022 * 4336.738274819446 * s) = 1.3908743190511148
s = 2.71286834

2.7128 is the sensitivity that corresponds to a maximum useful DPI with a horizontal resolution of 1920 and an FOV of 90.

With an FOV of 106 (instead of 90), using the same math, that number changes to ~3.6, which it would seem is corroborated by HOI's findings:

HOIUsing cl_showpos and setpos it seems that 1 pixel is equivalent to around 0.05785 degrees for 1440p (I measured this by using a mega low sensitivity and looking at the rotation I have to make for a pixel to cross the width of my crosshair). For 1080p users I would expect this to be about .077 (0.05785 * 1440 / 1080).
With sensitivity 4 and 1600 DPI I can only move my view in increments of 0.09 or 0.08 - it isn't that I'm moving too fast it literally doesn't let you look at angles between these increments. You can try it for yourself by using cl_showpos 1 and trying to get specific values. For instance without changing my sensitivity I can look at 90.00 and 90.09 but no value in-between.
So if you want to be able to move by 1 pixel consistently (for whatever reason) then for 1600 DPI and 1080p your sensitivity should be able to be as high as ~3.6 (4 * .077 / .085).
It may be that other gamers get different results for their setups but hopefully this gives u an idea on how to work this stuff out in-game.

With my own setup of a 2560 horizontal resolution and 106 FOV, the number does in fact happen to come out to ~2.70.

By all means, critique my math, the equations/the site I'm working with, or how I'm approaching the question. My hope is that the OP's question can actually be answered, not that I'm right.

posted about 6 years ago
#76 Ster talks about the TF2 casual and comp community in TF2 General Discussion

It sounds like his primary point is that if the competitive community were kinder it could have been something more. That seems super reasonable to me.

posted about 6 years ago
#441 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
ChungaI think valve somehow patched all custom animation from working on casual.
I installed some custom animations, i started a private server with sv_pure 0 and they worked fine, but when i joined casual the animations became the default ones again, and when i came back to my local sv_pure 0 server it was still the default animations.
I don't know how it even works and if it will affect this, i surely hope not, let me know if it is only me who has this issue.
I haven't tested it with these custom animations

Causes crashes for me in casual now, as well. The file I was using before the installer was a thing still hides the gun (but not gun arm) and is stable to use, though. I can't remember where exactly I clicked to get it, so I'll just reupload it for anyone that needs it:

I couldn't check out what degu uploaded because wanted me to install something I didn't want to in my browser to download :(

posted about 6 years ago
#1179 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercoms6.5.2 released with optimizations, bug fixes, customization improvements and documentation updates.

Also, I'd love to see your custom configs! If you have a custom.cfg that you're proud of, please share it with me for inclusion in an official list of the community's custom configs!

Looking good!

What's the best way to share custom configs with you?

posted about 6 years ago
#1152 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsI'm not sure why disabling DSP is necessary for surround sound. Shouldn't it be enough to only disable the spatial DSP effects with a delay?
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
dsp_spatial 0
dsp_facingaway 30 (or 0)

And I guess spatializing every frame would be helpful too:
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0

Sorry, I was sleepy and copy & pasted a section from my custom.cfg then forgot to remove 'dsp_water 0' and 'dsp_room 0'...would you mind elaborating on what the others do, exactly? Any effect that is intended to produce 3D sound from a stereo source is problematic for proper output to something that's doing the same thing, but yep, delay and reverb are the main things used in surround sound virtualization and you don't want those being applied on top of each other.

If you don't mind, I'll go ahead and dive into the "spatialization" section of your comp preset here:

//dsp_enhance_stereo 0 // Disable spatial DSP effects and delays
//dsp_enhance_stereo 1 // Enable for slight increase in sound quality, most
                       // noticeable on multispeaker systems

My understanding is that this effect is that "snd_surround_speaker 0;dsp_enhance_stereo 1" is the equivalent of setting sound to "Headphones" in the game options menu--basically TF2's own crude headphone surround sound virtualization (Miles3D, specifically, if I understand correctly).

//dsp_slow_cpu 0 // Use enhanced positional effects
//dsp_slow_cpu 1 // Disable initialization of enhanced spatialization

I'm assuming these "enhanced positional effects/spatialization" are designed for 2 channel output

//snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1 // Spatialize sounds every 2 frames, less performance benefit.
//snd_spatialize_roundrobin 3 // Spatialize sounds every 8 frames (2^3) using round-robin algorithm.
                              // Pretty reasonable performance benefit, but delay in spatialization.
//snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0 // Spatialize every frame

I'm not sure how the "sound travel" part of "Spatializing" (you define it as "sound travel and volume falloff") accounts for speaker count, but yeah it seems you'd want it to happen every frame if at all.

//dsp_room 0 // Disable automatic DSP
//dsp_room 1 // Enable automatic DSP. Big performance hit

Curious about what "automatic DSP" is, seems possibly relevant

//dsp_facingaway 0 // Disable the facing away DSP effect
//dsp_facingaway 30 // Use a DSP effect for sounds you are facing away from

Is it known what kind of effect is applied here? Seems important

//dsp_speaker 50 // Administrator effect
//dsp_speaker 0 // Disable administrator effect


//dsp_spatial 40 // Spatial effect for positional audio
//dsp_spatial 0 // Disable spatial effect

Could you explain the significance of "40", and what disabling this does exactly, please?

//dsp_db_mixdrop 0.7 // Use enhanced volume scaling

What's being enhanced?

Thanks, I know it's a lot for a pretty niche thing. Really appreciate your time.

pancake_stacksstabbyI myself have changed some values for this purpose, though I'm on Windows 7 using Out of Your Head for 7.1 surround virtualization. Here's what I use, but testing this stuff is a pain and I'm not sure about all of these...the general idea is to get rid of all spatialization effects that are intended for stereo output. Would be very interested in some thoughts:
snd_surround_speakers 7 // or 5 for Windows 10, it seems
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0
dsp_speaker 0
dsp_water 0
dsp_spatial 0
dsp_facingaway 0
dsp_room 0 

I'm not at home at the moment, but I know you can remove all those commands and just disable DSP everywhere with one of these:

"dsp_vol_5ch" = "0.5"
"dsp_vol_4ch" = "0.5"
"dsp_vol_2ch" = "1.0"

Great commands if you want to set a tiny bit of dsp, or want it completely off, etc. I'm unsure if 7 channel has a command, or if it's shared with 5ch, but these will remove all DSP, as it acts as a master volume for all DSP from what I understand. Just don't use "dsp_volume", as it constantly resets if maps have different soundscapes and you enter/exit them. Unless you want to bind it to a commonly used key.

I don't know if it's just me, but disabling dsp entirely makes sounds at the back really low. So some DSP is good if you have same issue as me. If you put too much, it throws off the positioning, so you have to dial it in perfect.

Thanks, very interesting....I wonder why there is no 7ch command. I'm also curious what all DSP effects are being applied in the first place, aside from sound placement stuff.

stabbyIt would be cool if you integrated ytrium's viewmodels mod (which involves preloading and is probably what he's talking about).mastercomsI'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do on my side. Shouldn't yttrium's viewmodels work if you properly install them?

JarateKing knows more than me

JarateKingmastercomsstabbyIt would be cool if you integrated ytrium's viewmodels mod (which involves preloading and is probably what he's talking about).I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do on my side. Shouldn't yttrium's viewmodels work if you properly install them?The installer adds "map_background preload_room; wait 10; disconnect" to autoexec, but doesn't apply to any autoexec in custom. Could be added with a module or just instructions to add it to custom.
posted about 6 years ago
#1148 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
pancake_stacksI just saw in the sound section you have some customized values for DSP and it was most likely configured and setup on stereo. I think when you switch to 5.1/7.1, the game makes some changes to the DSP values to account for a surround sound system, opposed to stereo. There are also some commands like snd_legacy_surround.I don't think any values need to be changed for surround sound.

I myself have changed some values for this purpose, though I'm on Windows 7 using Out of Your Head for 7.1 surround virtualization. Here's what I use, but testing this stuff is a pain and I'm not sure about all of these...the general idea is to get rid of all spatialization effects that are intended for stereo output. Would be very interested in some thoughts:

snd_surround_speakers 7 // or 5 for Windows 10, it seems
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0
dsp_speaker 0
dsp_water 0
dsp_spatial 0
dsp_facingaway 0
dsp_room 0 

On a different note, one thing I've noticed about the network settings is that "rate" and "net_splitpacket_maxrate" are set to match. All of the competitive servers I've played on recently have had "rate" capped to >100000, but "net_splitpacket_maxrate" uncapped, so the values end up mismatching (1048576 splitpacket/100000 rate, for instance). Not sure how important it is those values match, but you might want to consider innovating a safeguard of some sort or reducing the values below 100000 in the comp preset.

mastercomsnutshinyis preloading enabled or disabled?That term could mean a lot of things. Could you specify what you mean?

It would be cool if you integrated ytrium's viewmodels mod (which involves preloading and is probably what he's talking about).

Keep up the great work, mastercoms

posted about 6 years ago
#1023 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

So what's up with cl_pred_optimize exactly? I see you've set it to '0' on this one due to a bug with '2'?

I'd also be curious where the '0.02273' value for cl_interp is coming from

posted about 7 years ago
#539 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

-dxlevel 90 makes pyro flames visible for me (not vis with 95). Was -r_emulate_gl responsible?

posted about 7 years ago
#392 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I seem to experience strange hitches with "net_queued_packet_thread 0"--what are the supposed benefits?

posted about 7 years ago
#330 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsmaxperformance.cfg was always about performance, not gameplay. Comp.cfg balances the two.

You can argue that 0.1 is too high, and I would agree with you if was set on the base config or comp cfg, but it's not. It is set on the maxperformance cfg which also has sound spatialization nearly disabled, occassional flickering lighting and other changes which make it only tolerable for people who had untolerable FPS. The maxperformance config isn't meant for people who can't handle those sacrifices/don't need to make those sacrifices. The only thing I want to avoid is making it completely unplayable.

It has no performance impact, so I wasn't really referring to any one config.

Fine to play it extra safe though. This seems like a meticulous endevour for you, so I thought you might appreciate some input

posted about 7 years ago
#328 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsVantavimeowsnd_mixahead 0.2, are you high? that's 200ms delay on audio which is completely unplayable
0.05 is the lowest stable value most people can run with the default being 0.1

Just benchmarked it and it makes no impact what so ever either
Just a remnant from when I was making maxperformance.cfg for bad PCs, and comp.cfg was for max performance with decent PCs. I'm not high, nor do I condone the use of drugs. Stay safe kids.

I'll change it to 0.1.

Since the setting determines how soon sounds play after their corresponding event, I think it is a relatively important value to get right.

0.1 is very conservative, as would make sense for a default.
0.08 is safe for nearly all, 0.05 is about as low as you can hope to go without experiencing sounds being cut off. I'd recommend you default it to .08 and comment a safe experimental range of 0.05 to 0.1.

Fun fact: you can use a tiny tweak called TimerResolution to shave off enough DPC latency to manage .05 instead of .08 on some setups

posted about 7 years ago
#290 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsThat being said, I'd like to see comparisons to see how much FPS you're gaining.

Totally forgot to do this, my bad. Here are the 'timedemo' benchmarks:

No affinity setting (cores 0-7 for all applications): 
75.3 average FPS,  5.7 variability, 53.3 seconds

Affinity "offloading" (cores 0;2;4;6 for tf2, 1;3;5;7 for all other applications): 
78.9 average FPS,  5.6 variability, 50.8 seconds

Just a +2.5 fps boost, but it's there. Used to give bigger gains (+10ish) and resolve micro-stuttering issues (I haven't played enough without PL to know if I still gets stutters without) due to Core0 maxing out (somehow disabling core0 caused the CPU load to be distributed more evenly between cores)

I wasn't streaming when doing these benchmarks, only previewing in OBS Studio, so maybe it's smaller than expected because OBS wasn't eating as much CPU. OBS Classic only had CPU Encoding available back then too, and I use NVENC Encoding now, which puts most of the load on the GPU. I also was using an older processor when benchmarking back in the day, so maybe that's it, too.

posted about 7 years ago
#254 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsstabbyNo magic to can do everything I use PL for (auto-setting Power Plan to "high performance" when tf2 launches, setting core affinities, setting process priorities) manually, it just automates it. Not sure what to tell you guys other than that I've done benchmarks and setting affinities gives me more frames.

By the way, does the preloading file go in the "custom" folder?
Preloading file goes in the mastercoms folder like how it is.

I meant "magically" sarcastically. Most of the time it claims that it is going to just boost CPU performance, but the Windows CPU scheduler is smarter than some third party program. Of course, there are some inefficiencies with it, but especially with the complexities of hyperthreading, I don't think any program will just work.

That being said, I'd like to see comparisons to see how much FPS you're gaining.

Sure, I'll share a benchmark comparison when I get a chance.

Re: preloading, so my own "custom/stabbyHUD" folder then (root of /cfg folder). Thanks.

posted about 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 19