SetsulstabbyIf a user has Raw Input disabled, then their mouse movement is being determined by the Windows Desktop mouse cursor, which operates pixel by pixel on a 2D plane. Pixel Skipping certainly exists for the Windows mouse cursor, and will occur if the user has their Windows sensitivity set higher than default. If Raw Input is disabled, and the Windows mouse cursor is experiencing pixel skipping, the problem will correspondingly manifest itself in TF2 (i.e. "exist").Wrong.
TF2 does not use windows desktop pixels for the rotation counts (no game should).
Depending on the ingame sensitivity the minimum step that corresponds to the number of counts in one desktop pixel could be 1 ingame pixel or 13.245 ingame pixels or 0.0045212 ingame pixels.
Also if if corresponds to 1.1 ingame pixels then you will simply turn in 1.1 pixel increments, without skipping any pixels in between.
Pixel skipping doesn't exist.
I think you misunderstand me. Pixel skipping exists on the Windows Desktop, and the mouse input in TF2 is based on the Windows Desktop cursor if m_rawinput is '0'.
SetsulstabbyThe "2.7182" number comes from me doing the following with the equations I found courtesy of this site and its "Useful DPI Calculator":I won't check the actual numbers.
Here are the relevant equations:
Real Sensitivity ("i"): 360 / (m_yaw * DPI * TF2sensitivity)
Useful DPI: (pi * Horizontal Resolution) / (i * tan(FOV / 2))
Here's what I did with them:
1) I inputed my settings into the "Real Sensitivity" calculator:
360/(.022 m_yaw * 9050 DPI * 1.3 TF2sensitivity) = 1.3908743190511148
But setting the sensitivity via DPI? Come on.
stabby2) I calculated the useful DPI for a 1920 resolution, 90 degree FOV, and ~1.3" Real SensitivitySo are you using 4336.738274819446 DPI now? If yes I'd like to know how you set that.
(pi * 1920) / (1.391 * tan(90/2)) = 4336.738274819446
3) I calculated the TF2sensitivity that I would need to use to keep my "Real Sensitivity" the same if using "Useful DPI":
360 / (y * d * s) = 1.3908743190511148
360 / (.022 * 4336.738274819446 * s) = 1.3908743190511148
s = 2.71286834
2.7128 is the sensitivity that corresponds to a maximum useful DPI with a horizontal resolution of 1920 and an FOV of 90.
If not then it's not "pixel perfect". With 9050 DPI and 1.3 ingame sensitivity you'll instead turn by 0.47919759942756309392265193370166 center pixels per count (all other pixels are different). Literally unplayable.
Now imagine what would happen with 2.8 ingame sensitivity. 1.0321179064593666638334041648959 pixels per count. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE.
stabbyBy all means, critique my math, the equations/the site I'm working with, or how I'm approaching the question. My hope is that the OP's question can actually be answered, not that I'm right.The question is pointless and the answer is useless.
No mouse will allow non-integer DPI steps anyway, but if you can't set that then one count will translate to something like 1.0004 pixels of 0.9997 pixels, making the limit even more arbitrary and pointless.
It just has to opposite effect because non-native DPI steps fuck up everything.
No, I use 9050 DPI. I was showing my math with what you're referring to, in order to demonstrate where the 2.7128 number was derived from.
gemmstabbyCorrect--and *because* DPI is irrelevant to the question, we should be able to provide a definite numerical answer (if we know resolution and FOV).
Once we've established what the "maximum in-game sensitivity" for a given FOV/resolution is, an individual can then adjust their DPI around whatever that sensitivity value may be to achieve their preferred inches/360.SetsulBut setting the sensitivity via DPI? Come on.
but also there ISN'T a definitive answer. it's a sliding scale and it'll differ depending on what an individual prefers (if they can even perceive changes properly at that extreme). and if there was, why on earth would you want to be right on the edge of what's technically the highest ingame you can have? it makes no sense
if you want to give yourself the highest fidelity in a perfect world you would use a tiny ingame and a big DPI, but as setsul said big DPIs are just fudged numbers and some mice become less accurate at higher dpis
literally, just keep your dpi within reasonable bounds (400-1600 is pretty normal) and set your sens to whatever you want. if you change dpi from 400 to 1600 and change your sens to keep inches/360 the same, I guarantee you wont notice any difference
and if you're using non-raw input or 0.1"/360 or fov toggles or a fidget spinner for a mouse or some shit you've got bigger things to worry about
The question has been answered, I think. You wouldn't *want* to have the highest in-game sensitivity, you might simply want to know whether to use your mouse's lowest or highest native DPI step, and lowest might put you above that "highest" sens.