How can I hide left viewmodel and dead ringer???
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Signed Up | April 3, 2017 |
Last Posted | November 1, 2022 at 10:57 PM |
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Team fortress 2 Hud crosshair XD
Q/A Help
TobShemrI tried to make a vtf crosshair similar to this, but couldnt get vtfedit to recognize the part of the line which has lower opacity. If anyone has a solution for this let me know. (the png file:
I used's VTF plug-in. Didn't test in-game but opening again in still has the correct opacities
starbyDo you have a corsshair download link?Here you go. Either make a VMT file for it using another VMT file as base (you can open them in notepad)
But if you've not done this before it's easier to have an already working VMT file (example: crosshair1.vmt) then just rename shemr.vtf to crosshair1.vtf
Do you have this?
posted about 7 years ago
Team fortress 2 Hud crosshair XD
Q/A Help
TobShemrI tried to make a vtf crosshair similar to this, but couldnt get vtfedit to recognize the part of the line which has lower opacity. If anyone has a solution for this let me know. (the png file:
I used's VTF plug-in. Didn't test in-game but opening again in still has the correct opacities
starbyDo you have a corsshair download link?Here you go. Either make a VMT file for it using another VMT file as base (you can open them in notepad)
But if you've not done this before it's easier to have an already working VMT file (example: crosshair1.vmt) then just rename shemr.vtf to crosshair1.vtf
oh thanks XD
posted about 7 years ago
Team fortress 2 Hud crosshair XD
Q/A Help
ShemrI tried to make a vtf crosshair similar to this, but couldnt get vtfedit to recognize the part of the line which has lower opacity. If anyone has a solution for this let me know. (the png file:
Do you have a corsshair download link?
posted about 7 years ago
deadringer texte
Q/A Help
How do you do this?
posted about 7 years ago
yttrium's competitive viewmodels
Due to the complexity of the spy's animation files, these are always shown In a future release, these might become hideable
what do you mean???
posted about 7 years ago
Team fortress 2 Hud crosshair XD
Q/A Help
VulcanIs that an Excalibur crosshair? <----------
posted about 7 years ago
Team fortress 2 Hud crosshair XD
Q/A Help
Hello guy Answer please my question.
I know this hud's crosshair
Tell me where this please Hud Crosshair is.
A cross hair with 0:16
posted about 7 years ago
Dark models/textures bug
Q/A Help
stabbywattersonhey, sorry to bump an oldish thread, but was wondering if there was ever a fix for this? ive tried the fixes mentioned here but nothing seems to be working for me. ive got a gtx 760 if that would help someone help me.It happens to me (gtx 760) when using the lod tweak + mat_picmip -1. Setting it to "2" fixes.
Why is your weapon dark?
posted about 7 years ago
yttrium's competitive viewmodels
Why can not I get the clocks?
posted about 7 years ago