k0ngzyconsumonnk0ngzyTheres a big difference between viewmodels and making the game not look like tf2. If valve allows literally everything to be changed, shit like transparent wall textures and spiked models will probably be common as hell.MikeMattoads_tfi also heard murmurs of transparent viewmodels, that seems like an alright compromise. As much as a love r_drawviewmodel 0, it is important that the game is understandable and visually appealing to the outisder.Why though? Is it really so important to make the game appealing to viewers that we're willing to downgrade the experience for the players? I'm not sure I'm willing to give up no viewmodels just so b4nnys viewers can understand whats going on.
A pointless rant
? You realize things like SV_pure are in the game right? I can't believe I expected more intelligence out of tf.tv than reddit.
Sv_pure can force textures, giving people options to change the already allowed textures would not magically let people replace texture files with transparent wall textures. It seems as though you have no idea how people even did transparent texture edits. You have to completely change the local files, and this would not get through valve's Sv_pure.
People dont put in commands to make their game transparent, cause that would be cause they are using an sv_cheat they replace files. Next dumbass in line please try me.
EDIT: Changing the way a texture looks, doesn't change what the the actual texture is. (that should be a litlte more easy to understand)
I just realized you're this guy
LMFAOif they are forcing viewmodels, do you think they are going to let you change specular and phong??? Bro i've been through all of this with CSGO, everyone was fighting for these things 4 years ago in beta, like commands to improve the game and fighting for 128 tic matchmaking.
The only difference with the TF2 community is that it's filled with furries, virgins and neckbeards who can't actually stand up for a single mechanic that is preferred.
All of you are disgusting. Have some pride.
Do you find pride in coming onto threads and then whining like a bitch about matchmaking and the tf2 community?