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Country Canada
Signed Up October 21, 2013
Last Posted February 27, 2014 at 2:07 PM
Posts 82 (0 per day)
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#16 Tips for a Frag Movie in Off Topic
WhiteVortexWhiteDo I have to have/use certain music? What about editing/syncing and that stuff? Just be worried about colors, frags, and music. When I say music, I mean just be sure that the music matches the pace of the video - you do not have to play a Starry Eyed remix or something just because everyone else has.

Just remember that there's nothing wrong with simple edits, I prefer them personally. However, a mistake a lot of newcomers make is over-editing to the point of making an abomination.

I'd be excited to see your video when it's done, feel free to link it both here and in the "Frag Clips" thread.

I found a effect in vegas which brightens up the colors a bit (secondary color correction - strengthen the middle) for everybody who wants to see it. I thought this song would be ok, because syncing is not that difficult:

Please let me know what you think, and I also have finished my "intro clips". You can watch them here:

Please note that I am new to "good" fragmovies and editing or playing lobbies etc.

The players you are going against barely look like they know how to play comp tf2. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but most people who watch frag movies also care about the players you're playing against. If you're making a frag video of tf2lobby then you're essentially making a frag movie of a Valve pub.

There's no teamwork involved in lobby and most players have difficulty hitting a target making it not very impressive that you're able to get streaks on them.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. iT in Events

posted about 11 years ago
#496 sp00ky mge alts unmasked in TF2 General Discussion
phobia he just used cheats to fuck around.

says the guy with a vac ban. Plants vs zombies?

posted about 11 years ago
#492 sp00ky mge alts unmasked in TF2 General Discussion
1-2 months ago I hacked in a few lobbies, pubs, and in mge while on an alt account. I used the hack for a few days before stopping.
I hacked because I was curious and bored. I had never hacked before and wanted to try it. It was fun at first. I found instant satisfaction in performing as well as I wanted without having to work for it.

If you're getting satisfaction hacking against players who are brand new to the game then I have no doubt in my mind you have used cheats in matches.

I mean it's lobbies and pubs and you're not able to perform as well as you would like without cheats?

You guys always talk about growing the competitive community, then you have an invite player go in and hack against a bunch of noobs. Great competitive experience if your first match (lobby) is against phrakture flying across the map never missing a shot.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 if teams can't agree to a schedule for rematch? in TF2 General Discussion

Look at this picture of the cute rhinoceros

posted about 11 years ago
#21 high hour with pure in TF2 General Discussion

What are you sniffing? Oh it's dried rosemary.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Update Thursday, 31 Oct in TF2 General Discussion
Bubbayea theres a new update:
Updated the Crusader's Crossbow
Fixed an exploit related to switching weapons
Reduced damage from 75 to 50
Lower reload time from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds

Look at post #23 bubba

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Video Card Driver in Hardware

I don't know what's more funny the fact that you post a new thread whenever you have a question about anything or the fact that you built your gaming PC over a week ago and still haven't managed to install the drivers for your graphics card.

posted about 11 years ago
#165 rip invite in TF2 General Discussion

Please let me know where I can get this decent job you speak of that will make me $100,000 a year. Kthanks <3

posted about 11 years ago
#3 market gardener bhop in TF2 General Discussion

stabby stabby on soldier???

posted about 11 years ago
#26 BenQ xl2411t which cables for 120hz? in Hardware
blackdiamondbr0DisplayPort or Dual Link DVI

I highly doubt your laptop has a DisplayPort port, but if it does, there's your ticket.

Did you even read the thread?

posted about 11 years ago
#155 A little Steam game giveaway. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#5 ROAMER MAIN+ MENTOR in Mentoring
flippersPegmanwhy would you make a new account morningfox
when his reputation shits the bed he seems to make a new account.

I have to provide for my waifus


GeknaiirflippersPegmanwhy would you make a new account morningfox
when his reputation shits the bed he seems to make a new account.
For what it's worth, there has to be another reason since everyone already found out it's morning fox :P thanks tony

posted about 11 years ago
#1 ROAMER MAIN+ MENTOR in Mentoring

Playing roamer for

Looking for a main/invite roamer main mentor who can help me become a better roamer.



posted about 11 years ago
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