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Signed Up March 22, 2015
Last Posted March 27, 2017 at 10:38 AM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
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#56 A simple custom config generator in Customization

Error: Ajax error for /cfgen/snd/UT.wav : 206 Partial Content
It says this now :(

EDIT: that was on the second website u gave me it worked well now on github thanks!

posted about 8 years ago
#53 A simple custom config generator in Customization

Error: Ajax error for /cfgen/cfg/c_toaster.txt : 503 Backend is unhealthy
It says this when I press "Generate config"

posted about 8 years ago
#4942 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
RustikJust an edit of Puoi1's CodeHud (hope you don't mind!) that was originally an edit of ahud, so does that make it a double edit? Or rather editception?!

PS. custom art assets are not showing in screenshots, could be because they're being blocked by the server I'm playing on (csn)?

can I have this omg

posted about 8 years ago
#4887 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

i really liked how extracrspy made his tournament spectator hud, so i tried to make one close to it, but not completely like his because i don't want to copy him. credit to rays for making the original tournament spec hud that i edited. mine is nowhere near as clean as extracrspy's but i'm happy with it :)

extracrspy's spec hud for reference http://i.imgur.com/3M3fwqd.png

I need this asap

posted about 8 years ago
#63 top 10 players of tf2 in The Dumpster

1. LaMqTa
2. clockwork

posted about 8 years ago
#4855 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Download pleaseeeeeee

posted about 8 years ago
#4829 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
EevoveA new HUD I am working on, still a lot to update. Got a lot of inspiration from Rawrsor's Material HUD, so big thanks to him!

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/dh1yY

Game freezes and goes to main menu after like 5 minutes of play.
I get this in the console KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file resource/UI/MainMenuOverride.res
resource/UI/MainMenuOverride.res, (*TopLeftDataPanel*), (*WelcomeLabel*), (*enabled*), (*CyclingAd*), (*items*), (*6*),
The hud is really awesome I would like to use the main menu but its crashing the game D:

posted about 8 years ago
#109 Huds you would like to see updated in Customization
SmesiI'm gonna get back at these prob now or tomorrow.

Here's the list
  • Warhud
  • Grape's Hud
  • Revhud
  • Probably Smesihud due to "popular" demand
  • The hud grape used for This Video

If i forgot to add a hud to the list, post it here.

As i said before, i'm not updating huds that Disquise has already updated becuase he's getting back at updating those huds "soon".

Also about crispy's hud / m0rehud crashing, i don't what causes the game to crash, i've heard that it's because of custom menus and stuff, but i'm not really sure, becuase i haven't heard anyone crash with the quakehud or any other huds i've updated.

If you have any problems or want to tell / give me something, HMU on Steam.

e: appareantly Disquise already fixed bxhud

Can't wait for that version of grape's hud <3

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Huds you would like to see updated in Customization

bxhud would be nice <3

posted about 8 years ago
#66 Huds you would like to see updated in Customization
Lucky_Benderexylategame keeps crashing when i installed the updated morehudDelete The gamemenu and mainmenuoverride and It shouldn't crash

But what if I want the main menu lol

posted about 8 years ago
#150 m0rehud black in Customization

Is there a way that I can make this hud look like old school m0res

posted about 9 years ago
#57 Huds you would like to see updated in Customization
SmesiZiozmaNormal m0rehudhttp://www.mediafire.com/download/lffhfrbsnjkkhki/m0rehudgunblade-master.zip

game crashes in main menu :/

posted about 9 years ago
#4228 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 9 years ago