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Signed Up June 8, 2016
Last Posted February 20, 2022 at 3:14 PM
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#11 TF2 ProMod in TF2 General Discussion

Wouldn't server mods be way easier than a promod? Also I don't think the promod would attract any new players, and the comp scene would be kind of hiden to anyone playing tf2 and interested in joining. Also maybe we should wait until comp changes, or not becuase they are very late at this point idk.

posted about 7 years ago
#44 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyThere are 0 offensive specialists in the game.

We have some specialists that are pick classes can be used to defend or attack (sniper/spy). Spy is normally useless after getting an initial pick on offense (though I still feel its a class in a pretty good place right now).
The other 3 specialists all are way better at defending than they are attacking and are almost exclusively used defending last. This is compounded by the spawn door being right there so people can switch off easily.

Imo the game needs some type of specialism more like snipers, where a class can be used to initiate a push and is still useful beyond that play. Imo It would be even more interesting if that class were absolute dogshit at defending so it's truly a specialist in that area. I think this is the design valve should have in mind when they rebalance/add new weapons to classes.

We already have offensive classes that are also good at defending. It's not like we are missing anything. A class that could only attack would be a class that you would get stuck with when you need to switch to defense.
Also imo the game works in a way that it is simply impossible for a class to be good at attacking and not at defending. If not the most then one of the most important things that makes the generalist classes good at attacking is that they can do consistent damage among other things. This alone makes them good defenders.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 good videos thread in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#34 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion

Where are you getting this 90% number from?

can't understand what that image says, please explain in detail.
obviously 90% is a vague speculation. I simply mean that very bad players very often don't miss, and good players pretty much never do.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion

Df requires far less accuracy than any other projectile in the game considering its speed and hitbox. No matter what your experience is if you simply understand the basic concept of projectiles you will hit your shots 90% of the time and that is not ok when it can 2shot light classes.

posted about 7 years ago
#4442 stream highlights in Videos

No because you can't strafe :)
edit:check out my 4 4s

posted about 7 years ago
#92 Pyro does way too much damage now in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#16 People using Miggy's passing to troll in Off Topic
ArguedOysterIs there anything wrong with posting for attention if it's positive?

yes taking advantage of a situation like this for attention is pathetic. Bassically what the people this thread is about are doing

ArguedOysterI guaranteed you if someone graffitied the public grave of one of my loved ones, I wouldn't stand idly by.

Decent point, if someone graffitied his grave that would be pretty fucked up, but this is just his steam profile.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 People using Miggy's passing to troll in Off Topic

They can make a dumb comment and you can still mourn in peace and just ignore it, why would you put so much effort into getting them banned.

crateaWhile having the comments public can attract sick people like these, I also think it's important that people who had stronger connections with the person can communicate in some form to cope with their loss. To some people, it's the only way they can reach that person now, sadly...

Mourning like that is pretty dumb. They could simply leave a private message if they really wanted to(still makes no sense), what is the point of making it public? Always thought people who posted on deceased people's profile's just did it for attention.

posted about 7 years ago
#55 RIP Lil Peep in Music, Movies, TV

LOL. The fact that he died shouldn't mean we shouldn't say anything other than "oh sad, rip". He died because he did something stupid and his lifestyle should be discouraged.

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posted about 7 years ago
#88 Pyro does way too much damage now in TF2 General Discussion

Lol yeah, they said that airblasting at a player's feet no longer misses. But it never missed it just made sense that pushing someone towards the ground wouldn't do anything, they are actually brainless.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 No Nut November in The Dumpster

I've heard not ejaculating for a long time isn't good for your health. Haven't checked if it is medically accurate so i just nut less instead of not at all.

posted about 7 years ago
#77 Pyro does way too much damage now in TF2 General Discussion
ScrambledI think that if they fix the flame hitboxes so you actually have to hit all your hitboxes not just 1 of them to get the maximum dps, it would be fine. I wouldn't mind dying that quickly if I actually got tracked perfectly.

hitboxes are still huge

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Are you a "GAMER?" in The Dumpster

I believe that all those memes about weebs are making the term less of an insult and more just a meme insult while watching so much anime is actually pretty fucking weird and should be seriously discouraged.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Would you rather in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 be a decently popular competitive esport with nice prize pools etc. that has autismo limits like all unlocks unbanned and all classes restricted to the same number/no class limits? Or what we have now?

posted about 7 years ago
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