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Signed Up September 14, 2012
Last Posted July 20, 2016 at 5:29 PM
Posts 165 (0 per day)
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#1 Weekly Dispenser #7: Tips and Tricks 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

Hello tf2. Its tool here. I am going to do a cast again tonight (Thurs) at my normal time, 6:00 PM EST. I'm hoping to do my first more relaxed weekly dispenser where I am going to show some tips and tricks that are useful for pubs and scrims alike! Since this is my first one of this type I will be focusing at first just on basic jump mechanics and strafe patterns that will help you in performing these tricks, and then I will show some clips of these tips and tricks in action...

Hope to see you there!


posted about 11 years ago
#210 who are your favourite players of all time in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Weekly Dispenser #6: Quick Fix Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 11 years ago
#2 Weekly Dispenser #6: Quick Fix Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

yo this goes down in 15 mins.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Weekly Dispenser #6: Quick Fix Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

Good morning tf2. I am going to do another cast tonight, Thurs 6:00 PM EST. I am going to be going over a high level demo review of the quick fix and try to discuss its current uses and how its recent buff has brought this weapon back into the spot light. I will also be discussing and showing a clip on how to effectively defeat a quick fixing team as to help u in ur scrims.

hope to see you there.



My youtube page is up and I have started uploading all the vods to keep them up somewhere twitch can't touch them :).

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Sublime v2 looking for high open players s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello everyone.

I am remaking my team from last season, Sublime, for Season 15 of ESEA Open. Last season, we had a lot of roster changes at the beginning of the season, but I think by the end we had a solid core of players that were getting better each week. I'd like to take that momentum and continue with the team next season. Unfortunately, lots of our players will need to go to backup, so we are in need of players for next season.

We have a server and mumble. We scrim Sunday-Thursdays 9-12 EST and sometimes once for fun on the weekends. We currently need a second scout, a pocket soldier, and a demoman for the upcoming season. Also, the name doesn't need to stay if you dont like it. Add me on steam for a tryout!


Current Roster:

Scout: dopez
Scout: ???
Roamer: t00l
Pocket: ???
Medic: TBD

Backups: Work, faffy, figsy, Poulet Cuit

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#10 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

bump gonna cast this soon

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

hey so with my terrible audio settings i think it really took away from the good demo we had to review and I think a lot of valuable things were to be learned by watching crux play demoman.... so, i will recast this tonight at 6 PM EST and fix the vod on twitch tv site....


posted about 11 years ago
#7 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

ty was actually thinking about redoing it later tonight with the right audio settings. sorry for not realizing this till the second half! it was a good demo to watch and definitely a good performance by crux. possible incoming recast.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion


incoming recast!

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

live in 10

i picked an ESEA-O match between Bubble Buddies and Mad Boys on koth_viaduct_pro and we will be focusing on the demoman POV!

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

im saving all the vods and going to upload them to a youtube channel or something similar when possible yes! twitch is bad about deleting everything i am sorry about this.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Weekly Dispenser #5: Tonight 6:00 PM EST in TF2 General Discussion

Good morning tf2. I am gonna do another cast today at my usual time, 6 PM EST tonight. This week I am going to be going over a koth_viaduct_pro demo review from the demoman perspective! Tune in to see it go down yo.

Hope to see you all there.


posted about 11 years ago
#36 Building new computer need elite techy help! in TF2 General Discussion

hey man good luck with the new build. happy birthday too.

here is what i am using and id recommend upgrades off of what i think is holding me back:

Intel i5 4x3.2 Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 4 GB
ASUS motherboard
Rosewill 700W PSU
Widnows 7 Home Premium

The i5 is not the best for streaming. Since this is really cpu dependent you want an i7 with a good motherboard with SLI for later if you want. My i5 is too slow sometimes. For the gfx card, you want to make sure your 650W PSU will be able to handle ur new upgrade. I had a 450 PSU for a while and it was holding me back.

posted about 11 years ago
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