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Signed Up July 26, 2014
Last Posted February 11, 2016 at 12:32 AM
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#190 recent/new release rap thread in Music, Movies, TV

No Kevin Gates?
His debut album Islah has got a unique and catchy sound, maybe you guys would like it.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Iron Pugs 2015 Winter Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Don't sleep on Real Housewives of 2Fort!

posted about 9 years ago
#25 water polo players in Off Topic

First trim your nails (please)
Position yourself well and ask where you should be positioned on both offense and defense
Righties are on the left side of the court offensively and lefties are the on right side
pressure is always better than playing back on both offense and defense
When you start playing offensively, do not pick up the ball on top since you'll make it slip more often, PICK UP THE BALL FROM THE BOTTOM UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING
Always keep the ball behind your head and and your arm straight out of the water away from the defender
When someone gets on you when you have the ball put your hand on their shoulder under the water so they can't steal it from you as easily
You can make two types of passes wet on the water or dry on the hand
If you can't dry pass to a teammate you can wet pass to the water next to them away from the defender
If you don't keep your hips up you will not succeed as a defender in any truly competitive level
Shooting: there are a lots of different ways to score but every good shooter gets high out of the fucking water (unless you play whole set, center) also google "how to shoot water polo"
Tips to get better over time aside from the obvious play a lot and be a good swimmer:
Wall ball - you get a water polo ball, distance yourself from the wall then hit and catch (this shit is awful at first but once you get good its amazing, im ambidextrous in the water because of this)
Know your personnel - just like any team sport know limitations of your teammates (and yourself) and learn who the best players on the other team are
Did I mention positioning and spacing? Those are pretty damn important learn that and things get really easy, especially at the jv level where you can score goals on goals (by counter attacking, cherry picking)

This is a general wall of text but there are a lot more detailed mannerisms within the game I'd be willing to go over to improve your game just add me on steam. I'm a guy who couldn't swim the pool freshman year to team captain senior year and none of the above matters unless you genuinely care about improving and care for the game on some level.

posted about 10 years ago