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Signed Up November 26, 2015
Last Posted December 1, 2015 at 3:56 PM
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#26 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
slemnishsaying 'literally anything feels bad' sounds like a bad excuse lol.

Yeah that was probably a bad one.

Quertreally, just play with what feels comfortable enough that you can flick your shots, track your enemies and jump around without it being clumsy. the problem here isn't sensitivity, it's more like the problem is yourself.ComangliaJust wanted to point out the range I gave you (24cm to 36cm/360) was based mostly off those 2 statements from your OP. The range is short enough to not give you to much issues with a 40cm mouse pad, and based off high level competitive players from TF2, CSGO, Quake, and even Battlefield I've never heard of anyone saying that range is to low or high in sensitivity. I also have a little bit of a subjective reason as someone who used a ~50cm/360 for sniper/scout for a long time. I always found it difficult to play soldier/demo, and basically any other game that wasn't csgo.ahzrukhalAs for the OP: It seems like you need to pick a setting, and commit to it. If you need different sens for different classes, read up on class specific config files, where you can have class specific settings - like sensitivity, and view models.

You aren't going to find a sens that you do 100% perfect with. You need to find one you can work with, with ease, then get use to using it. Once you are use to using that sens, then you need to work on consistent aim with said sensitivity.

Ok guys I think I have to agree with you. Now I'm gonna have a hard time ramming it into my head (don't know if it's right wording for what I mean)


Thank you for all of your opinions/thoughts and sorry for creating this annoying thread!

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
unfsounds like it's in your head and not a sensitivity problem

But would someone play and be good with something like 0.1 cm/360 or 8 m/360? There is probably a reasonable range and I think it varies from game to game because the paces are different. So I generally ask what would be this range for someone who plays different games.

Maybe I'm psychically ill but that is what I think. Feel free to correct me.

Also Comanglia has given me a range. That is something that pleases my mind and my confirmation bias :s

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
namassinliterally run around and see what feels comfortable...

Literally anything feels bad :s

If you mean that I must not take aim into account then I did it once, but it didn't help with consistency much. I mean I played with that kind of a sens for 2+ months.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
namassinI have been playing with an 18 in. sens for everything, (but I main scout) and it took my a while to start hitting stuff consistently. You just have to get something that feels pretty good, and then stick with it for a while.

Not trying to be a douchebag but:

thehwordP.S. I know I probably have to set my sens to something and then stick with it but what exactly should it be? I don't feel comfortable neither with my sens nor with anything else.

The problem is I can't find "something that feels pretty good".

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
the301stspartanWait what? Just keep your mouse sens constant and change it ingame in different games lol.

I keep it constant in terms of cm/360 if that's what you mean. Sorry if I misunderstood you.

the301stspartanFor tf2 just pick the sense that feels least off for each class and play with it for a few weeks. Your senses all feel shit because you haven't put in the time to get good at any one of them yet.

I tried keeping the sens constant for several months (was that enough?). But I never seemed to completely get rid of this itchy feeling of inconsistency.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help
MumaNothing is going to feel right if you keep changing it. Recently I tried to change my sense because I wanted to try to learn to track, and ended up changing it back after less than an hour. Just use whatever feels comfortable and give it some time. It's all preference, pal.

But nothing feels comfortable for me anymore. I might hit some shots but this feeling of "uncomfortability" is just pissing me off.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Just another sensitivity thread... in Q/A Help

This all started like 3 or 4 years ago. That's when I was first introduced to comp tf2. I've read (watched?) a guide that said I would probably benefit from lowering my senitivity. Since then I change my sens 24/7. I think I tried everything between 8 and 65 cm/360.

Sometimes there were glimpses of hope when I had certain sens for weeks or maybe months. Those were the times when I had godlike aim or stopped caring about sens and aim at all (not for a very long time though).

So the problem is I play different classes and different games. And every time I seem to find something comfortable and keep it for some time I just bump into another game where it doesn't feel that great.

This became a nightmare lately because I can't even say what I like anymore.


P.S. I know I probably have to set my sens to something and then stick with it but what exactly should it be? I don't feel comfortable neither with my sens nor with anything else. I always feel like my sens is below or above the one I would like to have but when I change it I can't find the sweet spot and get confused completely.

The method when you spin around something trying to track gives me different results every time. The same goes for trying to flick 180 degrees and changing the sens accordingly.

Probably the only thing I could say for sure is that I don't like to run out of mousepad which is ~ 40 cm.

posted about 9 years ago