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Signed Up September 3, 2015
Last Posted September 9, 2015 at 9:12 AM
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#284 bwHUD in Customization

Hi Watterson,

One last question.

Under the file HudPlayerClass. Is there a way to change how much of the player model is shown, for instance, the box the character is in cuts off things like the flamethrower.

A pic of what i mean: (the class icon on the bottom left, the flamethrower is cut off)



posted about 9 years ago
#283 bwHUD in Customization
wattersontheoneandonlyjdbI love this HUD, keep up the great work.

However, the round end scoreboard is glitching a little, seems to overlap with me health and ammo counter making it hard to read. ( Do you have a fix for this at all?



P.S. I have the latest version of the HUD, even deleted it and place a freshly downloaded copy in the custom folder.

That's how it should be. However, you are able to move it up on the screen by going to hudlayout.res in the scripts folder, and finding the entry for winpanel. change its ypos and do a hud_reloadscheme and tweak it to your liking.

Thanks. Is there a particular number you would recommend it so that it finished above the health / ammo, but below the text for round end?

Edit: Changed to 255, looks amazin!

posted about 9 years ago
#281 bwHUD in Customization

I love this HUD, keep up the great work.

However, the round end scoreboard is glitching a little, seems to overlap with me health and ammo counter making it hard to read. ( Do you have a fix for this at all?



P.S. I have the latest version of the HUD, even deleted it and place a freshly downloaded copy in the custom folder.

posted about 9 years ago
#270 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
JarateKingtheoneandonlyjdbHey JarateKing & Community.

I found this HUD on and have fallen in love with it.

However, there is one thing that i would like to change based on my personal preferences. How do I restore the sniper scope to the default in the game (with the orange tinge n all) - as I do not want to get lazy and disconnected from the original scope.

Also how would one edit the hud to move the health and ammo to the bottom of the screen?

Thanks guys!


also PS with the changes made to the sniper rifle scope, is this legal (i.e. not VAC bannable). Install this to custom and the scope will come back. It's completely fine by VAC, as a rule anything you put in custom will not have any issues with VAC.

You should be able to send things down to the bottom of the screen by editing tf/cfg/prismhud.txt, setting pcfg_hudpos=0 to pcfg_hudpos=1. If you want to manually edit, it'd be resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res and resource/hudlayout/hudlayout_prism.res that you'd want to edit.


Thanks for the quick response. Very much appreciated. Clear to see you have done alot of work on this HUD.

I am surprised that Valve allows you to do with the Sniper Scope?! Even this is VAC-ok? (Sorry - just a little nervous)

Do you know how to restore that yellow glow to the sniper zoom? As you may see when playing Default TF2.



posted about 9 years ago
#268 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

Hey JarateKing & Community.

I found this HUD on and have fallen in love with it.

However, there is one thing that i would like to change based on my personal preferences. How do I restore the sniper scope to the default in the game (with the orange tinge n all) - as I do not want to get lazy and disconnected from the original scope.

Also how would one edit the hud to move the health and ammo to the bottom of the screen?

Thanks guys!


also PS with the changes made to the sniper rifle scope, is this legal (i.e. not VAC bannable).

posted about 9 years ago