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Signed Up May 29, 2021
Last Posted December 19, 2021 at 6:26 AM
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#59 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion
lol was this clip ever explained or talked about at all...? I need to know the lore behind this very obvious aimlock onto the soldier because I can't see this being anything else. it's even more obvious if you .25 it... is this another one of those "this guy probably cheated but it's tf2 so who cares" type vibes?

this clip doesn't do much, because his aim isn't the only thing that is "snappy"
if you pay attention to the wall on his left, it suddenly jumps closer the moment his aim "snaps"
this is most likely stream just bugging the fuck out either through internet cutting out or some other issue, because he literally just warps through time entirely

posted about 2 years ago
#53 A statement in Off Topic
MGEMattthis cheeto guy is a long time troll/mge retard he recently changed his alias on here and hid all his old posts like 2 days before this. idk anything about this situation but i do know that kid can not be trusted

You're game losing

posted about 3 years ago
#13 A statement in Off Topic

posted about 3 years ago
#48 airtime lft advanced in Recruitment (looking for team)
wonderofltherealImperatorGood detective work, that is 100% not wonder stealing my name on steam! when the imperator is sus

when the wonder is imperator

posted about 3 years ago
#43 airtime lft advanced in Recruitment (looking for team)
wonder..... the infamous cheater......
idk man when his linked steam is imperator the guy who followed me into a harvest pub to cheat against me and shittalk me and a friend tries to expose me for out of context chat logs from months and even up to a year ago, i usually get the idea that its just a douchebag. however, if you are willing to back up this cheating, alting, scumbag then i will simply stop arguing with you. someone who barely knows me that ignorantly brings up things about my past isnt worth my time.

Good detective work, that is 100% not wonder stealing my name on steam!

posted about 3 years ago