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Signed Up March 24, 2024
Last Posted March 24, 2024 at 12:49 PM
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#1 fps config in Customization

TOE (Totally Over Engineered) config made by me

HUUUUGEEE credits to mastercom, took a lot of inspiration from there mainly for the actual graphics settings

The main goal was to make a good template for people not that experienced with customizing configs, everything is well commented, and should be easily understood. I tried to only set things thats universally agreed on being good, and you can change other stuff yourself within tf2 without worrying about editing the config (it wont override viewmodel_fov and stuff like that, in my opinion it shouldnt really be in a cfg anyways, it will save if you quit the game).

download from github (click on code -> download ZIP)

I did some benchmarks, its on the github page if you are interested. The ugly config has better perfromance than comanglia, but i doubt it would be better than mastercomfig low or very low.


  • better default
    • mainly aimed for more casual players
    • almost no visual impact, just nice settings and a bit higher fps than tf2's default settings
    • deliberately didn't touch graphical settings that can be changed with the in game UI
      except stuff like FOV (should always be 90) and vsync (should always be off),
      so you don't have to edit the config to change the graphics.
  • better default - clarity
    • mainly aimed for players who still want nicer graphics with a bit better fps and more clarity.
    • almost no visual impact, just nice settings and higher fps than tf2's default settings
    • deliberately didn't touch graphical settings that can be changed with the in game UI
      except stuff like FOV (should always be 90), vsync (should always be off),
      and motion blur (which should be off for more clarity),
      so you don't have to edit the config to change the graphics.
    • no ragdolls, gibs and small explosion effects for maximum clarity
    • removed map background noises
    • no bullet hole dust
  • ugly
    • pixelated textures, game is undeniably ugly, but gives a lot of FPS compared to default settings
    • no ragdolls, gibs and small explosion effects for maximum clarity
    • removed map background noises
    • no bullet hole dust


  • I tried to comment everything as much as possible, its still a lot harder to customize than mastercomfig for example, but i tried to make it as easy as possible.
  • If you want to overwrite stuff the easiest thing to do is to just put the commands in 'custom.cfg'.
  • If you want class specific binds:
    1. put the bind you want to keep the same for other classes in 'general.cfg'.
    2. put the bind you want to overwrite for a specific class in '<class_name>.cfg'.

  • Same goes for any other settings (like crosshairs, sensitivities etc...)


  1. open steam
  2. right click on tf2 in your library
  3. click properties
  4. paste the launch options from launch_options.txt to the 'LAUNCH OPTIONS' field
  5. select the 'Installed Files' tab on the left
  6. click on 'Browse...'
  7. choose the preset you want to use from this folder
  8. drag and drop the cfg and custom folders from the preset you choose onto the tf folder
  9. click on "Replace the files in the destination" if it appears
  10. happy :D

If you have any questions feel free to contact me on discord (tofu_tf2)

posted 9 months ago